This Week in Linux News: Citrix to Release Virtual Linux Desktop, Linux Mint 17.2, and More


This week in Linux news, Citrix announces preparations to release virtual Linux desktop, Linux Mint 17.2 is focused on the traditional desktop, and more! Continue reading for the top Linux stories of the week:

Linux Mint1) Citrix announces it’s ready to release virtual Linux desktops, joins VMware. 

Linux on the Desktop is So Hot There’s Now a Fight Over It– The Register

2) Ubuntu Linux version of Intel’s Compute Stick to be released. 

Cheaper Intel Compute Stick with Ubuntu Linux Preinstalled Coming This Week– PCWorld

3) Linux-based “Endless” computer is a cheap, flexible option for everybody.

Endless: A Computer the Rest of the World Can Afford– Network World

4) Linux Mint focuses its efforts on the traditional desktop experience with version 17.2.                   

Linux Mint 17.2 Launches with Big Cinnamon and MATE Desktop Improvements– PCWorld

5) French company to create 80 percent open source robot. 

French Robot Company Raising Money for Open Source Companion Robot “BUDDY”– SD Times