This Week in Linux News: Node.js Foundation Launches, Linus Torvalds Considers the Future of Linux, and More.


Linus TorvaldsBetween Bloomberg’s interview with Linux creator Linus Torvalds, and the Node.js Foundation launch, this was a big week for Linux news. Catch up on the top headlines below.

1) Linux Foundation-hosted Node.js Foundation launches, with industry-wide support.

Linux Foundation Launches Node.js Foundation– eWeek

2) Linus Torvalds weighs in on the past, present, and future of Linux.

The Creator of Linux on the Future Without Him– Bloomberg

3) Newly-expanded Linux Foundation Scholarship Program now accepting applications.

The Linux Foundation Opens Scholarship Program — Will You Apply?– BetaNews

4) Google’s Chromium snuck proprietary code into the FOSS Debian Linux distro. Debian Project attempts to fix. 

Chrome, Debian Linux, and the Secret Binary Blob Download Riddle– The Register

5) Let’s Encrypt to launch to the public, with first free digital certificates issued next month.

Free Encryption Project ‘Let’s Encrypt’ to Issue First Digital Certificates Next Month– The Stack