This Week in Linux News: Open Source in IoT, Intel’s Linux-Powered Compute Stick, and More


Nithya Ruff of SanDiskThis week in Linux news, open source’s contribution to IoT, Intel’s new Linux-powered Compute Stick, and more. Below are five of the latest Linux and open source must-reads. 

1) The Linux Foundation’s survey with The New Stack found Docker to be one of the most popular open source projects. But why? And with whom?

Docker in the Enterprise: the Value and the Challenges – VentureBeat

2) Gordon Haff of Red Hat recognizes Linux, open collaboration, and groups like AllSeen Alliance as advancing IoT.

A Better Internet of Things Through Open Source Culture–

3) Intel’s offers $40 savings for those purchasing their new tiny operating system with the Ubuntu option. 

Intel Compute Stick with Ubuntu Linux is Cheaper Than Windows Version– The Inquirer

4) Will Microsoft engineer Mark Russinovich’s comments hold true? Will Windows eventually be open source?

Microsoft Could Throw Windows Wide Open– Linux Insider

Microsoft Is Making a Stripped-Down Windows to Rival Linux– Wired

5) All about the security breach at the Linux Austrailia conference.

Linux Australia Calls for Password Change After Server Breach– ZDNet