This Week in Linux News: OSS Opportunity For New Grads, Why Cloud Foundry is Gaining Traction, & More


1) The 2016 Open Source Jobs Report shows that open source is a great career direction for new IT graduates.

Is Open Source a Clear Path to Success for New Grads?– CIO

2) Sam Ramji, Cloud Foundry Foundation CEO, explains why the platform is continuing to gain traction. 

Cloud Foundry Stages a Comeback– InfoWorld

3) Canonical’s Snaps is now available for multiple Linux distros.

Ubuntu’s Container-Style Snap App Packages Now Work on Other Linux Distributions– TechCrunch

4) Dell’s new out-of-the-box Linux has a great screen and is worth the price to developers.

The XPS 13 DE: Dell Continues to Build a Reliable Linux Lineage– Ars Technica

5) Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announces it’s providing open access to developer tools and libraries to facilitate cross-collaboration between HPE and the open source community on The Machine.

HPE Looks to Open Sourcers for Help with The Machine– ADT Mag