This Week in Linux News: Remembering Muhammad Ali’s Linux Message, Cloud Foundry Runs Legacy Apps, & More


1) Muhammad Ali “shook up the world”; featured in IBM/Linux advertisement. 

Muhammad Ali & IBM sought to “shake up the world” with Linux– NetworkWorld

2) 20% to 30% of existing applications can run on Pivotal Cloud Foundry with little change.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry Is Not Just for New Apps Anymore– Fortune

3) IBM Joins R Consortium to advance data science in the enterprise.

IBM Joins R Consortium to Advance the R Programming Language– eWeek

4) Ubuntu 16.10 will finally be switched to Linux kernel 4.8.

Upcoming Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) will be driven by Linux Kernel 4.8– TechWorm

5) The Linux Foundation’s new course gives engineers who want to move into networking the skills to manage a SDN deployment.

Online Course Targets Open Source SDN Development–