This Week in Linux News: Torvalds Monitoring Year 2038 Problem, Open Source Jobs Still in High Demand, & More

1) Linus Torvalds is keeping a close eye on Y2K-like “2038 problem,” which is already causing problems.
Torvalds Unhappy with Sloppy Unix Millennium Bug Patches for Linux Kernel– Neowin
2) The Linux Foundation’s 2016 Open Source Jobs Report shows that demand for open source talent in the workforce is higher than ever.
3) Chris Aniszczyk, interim executive director of The Linux Foundation’s Cloud Native Computing Foundation, explains how CNCF is helping define the cloud era.
4) “Linux drives the entrepreneurial wheel with complete control” writes Richard Smith in this article on the growth of Linux.
5) PlayStation 4 modder gets Valve’s Steam client running on the console by using firmware version 1.76 and a jailbreak, installing Arch Linux.
Steam Can Run on the PlayStation 4 Thanks to Arch Linux, a Jailbreak, and Old Firmware.– Digital Trends