This Week in Open Source: Insurance Market & Blockchain, Cloud Foundry is Ubiquitous in the Enterprise & More


This week in open source, blockchain technology, like that of Hyperledger, is being adopted by the insurance market, Cloud Foundry continues its steady incline of adoption, and more!

1) Blockchain tech like Hyperledger “is making inroads into the insurance sector.”

Insurance Industry Making the Leap to Blockchain– Business Insurance

2) Half of the Fortune 500 now use Cloud Foundry.

Cloud Foundry Makes its Mark on the Enterprise– TechCrunch

3) “Proprietary will have to either get on board or be left in the dust.”

Why Open Source will Overtake Proprietary Software by 2020– Computer Business Review

4) Google’s new Tensor2Tensor library aims to remove hurdles around customizing an environment to enable deep-learning models.

‘One Machine Learning Model to Rule Them All’: Google Open-Sources Tools for Simpler AI– ZDNet

5) As 5G changes the carrier landscape, technologies like OPNFV will bolster the shift

China Is Driving To 5G And IoT Through Global Collaboration– Forbes