This Week in Open Source: Linux Demonstrates Superpowers With Supercomputer Domination & More


This week in open source/Linux news, Linux not powers the vast majority of the world’s supercomputers, Hyperledger is set apart from hype, and more. 

1) All 500 of the fastest computers on the planet are running Linux.

Linux Totally Dominates Supercomputers– ZDNet

2) Executive Director of Hyperledger explains how the blockchain project isn’t just tech world hype.

Blockchain Moves Beyond its ‘Moonshot’ Phase– American Banker

3) Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networking and Orchestration for The Linux Foundation, tells MEF 17 attendees that ONAP has become “widely accepted.”

Linux Foundation’s Joshipura Says ONAP is Now the De Facto Open Networking Platform– FierceTelecom

4) “Open source software is being integrated into an increasing number of organizations, most recently, the Pentagon.”

The Value of Open Source Software– Information Age

5) Facebook announces Open/R’s open source move in the continuation of an open shift at the company.

Facebook Open Sources Open/R Distributed Networking Software– TechCrunch