This Week in Open Source News: The Linux Foundation Launches Networking Fund


This week in open source/Linux news, The Linux Foundation announced a restructuring of their networking projects under one umbrella, Slack launches on Linux, and more!

1) The Linux Foundation consolidated its networking project under one umbrella this week.

Linux Foundation Re-Orgs to Simplify Open Source Networking– LightReading

Linux Foundation Seeks to Bring Rhyme and Reason to Open-Source Networking Projects– ZDNet

2) While the Ubuntu app is still in beta, Canonical has brought Slack to its Linux platform.

Slack Launches On Linux– ITPro

3) “CNCF will be key to ensuring inter-operability of services across different vendors’ platforms.”

What Does DevOps Do in 2018– infosecurity Magazine

4) Hyperledger has set in motion plans to give select startups access to some of the benefits accessed only by companies that are officially recognized.”

Hyperledger Creates Experimental Labs For Startups– Toinnov