This Week in Open Source News: The Open Networking Summit Edition


This week in open source and Linux news, The Linux Foundation and other organization gathered in Los Angeles this week to collaborate and break major industry news, including AI and 5G developments

1) The Linux Foundation has launched a new AI Project, to help develop, share and deploy AI and machine learning apps.

Linux launches AI Project to help build the future of AI– CBR

2) “[AT&T] said it will deploy more than 60,000 ‘white box’ routers in cell towers across the U.S. over the next several years” 

AT&T to Deploy More than 60,000 White Box Routers– WirelessWeek

3) The Linux Foundation announced the availability of new online courses including ONAP & OPNFV Fundamentals. 

The Linux Foundation Announces Four Networking Training Courses– GoCertify

4) Networking announcements at ONS included the enabling of the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) to run on Kubernetes.

LF Networking Gets Ambitious About Open Harmonization– LightReading

5) “Juniper Networks’ software-defined network, OpenJuniper, is transforming into a more open-source developer friendly program: Tungsten Fabric.”

Juniper’s OpenContrail SDN rebranded as Tungsten Fabric– ZDNet