Welcome to Open Voices


Today the Linux Foundation is launching a podcast series that will feature conversations with the leaders of open source. For our inaugural post, we are pleased to present part one of our conversation with Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux Operating System and fellow at the Linux Foundation.

We have broken the conversation with Linus into two parts. Part II will be available in the beginning of February. Future Open Voices installments will feature Novell President and CEO Ron Hovsepian; Martin Mickos, CEO of MySQL; and Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of the Ubuntu Project.

If you’d rather read a transcript, you can find it here.

{enclose http://linux-foundation.org/weblogs/openvoices/files/2008/01/torvalds5-section1.mp3 1 audio/mpeg}

icon for podpress  Jim Interviews Linus: Download
icon for podpress  Jim Interviews Linus: Download