Article Source MoblinZone
October 20, 2009, 4:15 pm
October 20, 2009, 4:15 pm
A Moblin netbook isn’t just a small notebook PC. A Moblin MID (Mobile Internet Device) isn’t just a teeny tiny notebook PC. And a compelling Moblin application isn’t a standard desktop/notebook app or a Web application running on a smaller device.
Sure, the hardware is different, with slower processors and smaller screens, but that‚Äôs not the real story. People use Moblin netbook/MID devices on the go, and in a unique context that‚Äôs not encountered with a typical laptop or even a smartphone. That‚Äôs why creating applications that truly fly on a Moblin device means thinking like a mobile user, from everything from connectivity to screen orientation to the use of menus…