Why and How You Should Switch to Linux


When you start comparing computers, you probably pit Windows against macOS—but Linux rarely gets a mention. Still, this lesser-known operating system has a strong and loyal following. That’s because it offers a number of advantages over its competitors.

Whether you’re completely new to Linux or have dabbled with it once or twice already, we want you to consider running it on your next laptop or desktop—or alongside your existing operating system. Read on to decide if it’s time to make the switch.

What is Linux?

If you’re already familiar with Linux, you can skip this section. For everyone else, Linux is a free open-source operating system, which means the code is available for anyone to explore. Technically speaking, the term “Linux” refers to just the kernel, or the core, of the code. However, people often use the name to talk about the whole operating system, including the interface and bundled apps.

Read more at Popular Science