Why Should You Speak at Tech Conferences? Or At Least Attend Them Regularly (Part 1)


Now I talk regularly at local meetups and I went as a speaker to few big conferences. Given that I am no expert in public speaking, my heart beat rises and occasionally words scramble as I am on the stage. But still, I will give you some reasons, why you should speak at conferences or at least attend them.

One of the influencers from Microsoft tweeted that attending conferences will show you the path to what to learn next. He is right, because honestly people can’t remember everything from all the talks (at least in my case). Usually there will be around 6 to 8 talks in a day at any given conference, So when you are presented with that much information on different topics in a single day, you won’t learn much as your brain will be overwhelmed with information.

Read more at Dev.to