Wireshark 2.0.2 Is a Major Release of the World’s Most Popular Network Scanner


wireshark-2-0-2The world’s most popular network protocol analyzer, Wireshark, which security experts can use for development, analysis, troubleshooting, or education purposes, has reached version 2.0.2.

Wireshark 2.0.2 is a major release that patches a significant amount of security issues discovered since the first maintenance release, such as a DLL hijacking vulnerability, a DNP dissector infinite loop, and a SPICE dissector large loop. Additionally, multiple crashes have been addressed, in particular for the X.509AF, ASN.1 BER, HTTP/2, HiQnet, LBMC, RSL, LLRP, IEEE 802.11, GSM A-bis OML, SPICE, and NFS dissectors.