Wireshark Support for AllJoyn: What it Means for Internet of Everything Developers


In April, Wireshark published developmental release version 1.11.3, which includes support for the AllJoyn protocol. AllSeen Alliance developer Joe Huffman explains the significance of this release, the impact for Internet of Everything interoperability and what is means for the AllSeen Alliance developer community.

What is Wireshark?
Wireshark is a protocol analyzer that helps developers troubleshoot programs. With Wireshark, a developer can see if messages are getting sent or not and if the timing and contents of the messages are as expected. Wireshark can also show if there are network configuration, speed or latency issues affecting an application. If something is not working properly, but the code looks correct in a program, developers can use Wireshark to see how real-time network conditions and message contents may be affecting the application.

What does this release mean for AllJoyn?
AllSeen Alliance developers – application developers and code contributors – will benefit greatly from this. Network traffic is core to AllJoyn. However, the tools used to develop AllJoyn applications are not network-centric or even aware of application-generated network traffic. 

Read more at AllSeen Blog.