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ONE Summit Agenda is now live!

This post originally appeared on LF Networking’s blog. The author, Heather Kirksey, is VP Community & Ecosystem. ONE Summit is the Linux Foundation Networking event that focuses on the networking and automation ecosystem that is transforming public and private sector innovation across 5G network edge, and cloud native solutions. Our family of open source projects address every layer of infrastructure needs from the user edge to the cloud/core. Attend ONE Summit to get the scoop on hot topics for 2022!

Today LF Networking announced our schedule for ONE Summit, and I have to say that I’m extraordinarily excited. I’m excited because it means we’re growing closer to returning to meeting in-person, but more importantly I was blown away by the quality of our speaking submissions. Before I talk more about the schedule itself, I want to say that this quality is all down to you: You sent us a large number of thoughtful, interesting, and innovative ideas; You did the work that underpins the ideas; You did the work to write them up and submit them. The insight, lived experience, and future-looking thought processes humbled me with its breadth and depth. You reminded me why I love this ecosystem and the creativity within open source. We’ve all been through a tough couple of years, but we’re still here innovating, deploying, and doing work that improves the world. A huge shout out to everyone across every company, community, and project that made the job of choosing the final roster just so difficult.

Now onto the content itself. As you’ve probably heard, we’ve got 5 tracks: Industry 4.0, Security and Privacy, The New Networking Stack, Operationalizing Deployment, and Emerging Technologies and Business Models:

“Industry 4.0” looks at the confluence of edge and networking technologies that enable technology to uniquely improve our interactions with the physical world, whether that’s agriculture, manufacturing, robotics, or our homes. We’ve got a great line-up focused both on use cases and the technologies that enable them.
“Security and Privacy” are the most important issues with which we as global citizens and we as an ecosystem struggle. Far from being an afterthought, security is front and center as we look at zero-trust and vulnerability management, and which technologies and policies best serve enterprises and consumers.
Technology is always front and center for open source groups and our “New Networking Stack” track dives deep into the technologies and components we will all use as we build the infrastructure of the future. In this track we have a number of experts sharing their best practices, as well as ideas for forward-looking usages.
In our “Operationalizing Deployment” track, we learn from the lived experience of those taking ideas and turning them into workable reality. We ask questions like,  How do you bridge cultural divides? How do you introduce and truly leverage DevOps? How do you integrate compliance and reference architectures? How do you not only deploy but bring in Operations? How do you automate and how to you use tools to accomplish digital transformation in our ecosystem(s)?
Not just content focusing only on today’s challenges and success, we look ahead with “Emerging Technologies and Business Models.” Intent, Metaverse, MASE, Scaling today’s innovation to be tomorrow’s operations, new takes on APIs – these are the concepts that will shape us in the next 5-10 years; we  talk about how we start approaching and understanding them?

Every talk that made it into this program has unique and valuable insight, and I’m so proud to be part of the communities that proposed them. I’m also honored to have worked with one of the best Programming Committees in open source events ever. These folks took so much time and care to provide both quantitative and qualitative input that helped shape this agenda. Please be sure to thank them for their time because they worked hard to take the heart of this event to the next level. If you want to be in the room and in the hallway with these great speakers, there is only ONE place to be. Early bird registration ends soon, so don’t miss out and register now!

And please don’t forget to sponsor. Creating a space for all this content does cost money, and we can’t do it without our wonderful sponsors. If you’re still on the fence, please consider how amazing these sessions are and the attendee conservations they will spark. We may not be the biggest conference out there, but we are the most focused on decision makers and end users and the supply chains that enable them. You won’t find a more engaged and thoughtful audience anywhere else.