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Commentary: Ding, dong, the witch is dead (almost)

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet’s Jason Brooks comments on the future of Windows and its alternatives: “The wicked Windows 9x witch is nearly dead. Sometime next year, a tornado of marketing hype will emerge from Redmond to drop a house on Microsoft’s marquee product. And, as its feet shrivel, I’ll not shed a tear.”

Latest Palm push: back-end tools

Author: JT Smith

“Next year, Palm will begin offering a back-end platform to support enterprise applications with integrated application services tailored for individual business users. Through the platform, corporations will be able to allow employees access to networked applications through their Palm personal digital assistants.” Full report at ZDNet eWEEK.

Earthlink to offer cable Internet services

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet News reports that Time Warner, in an effort to appease regulators and win approval for its merger with AOL, will allow Earthlink to offer high-speed Internet services via its cable networks.


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New Netscape packages for Red Hat

Author: JT Smith

New Netscape packages are available that fix a buffer overflow in parsing HTML. Full details at Help Net Security.


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New members for the Java Community Process

Author: JT Smith

From a report at ZDNet Interactive Week: “Tired of undecided elections? Since June, Sun Microsystems had promised a vote on two Executive Committees that will take over Sun’s supervisory role of the Java Community Process, a collaborative technology-building process that makes additions to Java. The vote is in, and some aspects of it revealed sentiments within the Java community.”


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Column: GNOME on the road; rolling out the red carpet

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet’s Michael Hall took Linux and GNOME on the road to this year’s Comdex. “There’s always a moment’s hesitation when you try out favorite tools in a new environment, and dragging a fairly new laptop off to Comdex this past week was no exception. As it turned out, though, GNOME provided the perfect environment for everything I needed to do to keep caught up between walks around the convention floor.”


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Macmillan USA releases Linux for Windows

Author: JT Smith

In a press release at Businesswire, Macmillan USA announced the release of Linux for Windows. “With Linux for Windows, experienced computer users can easily and inexpensively try the increasingly popular Linux operating system without losing Windows functionality or making changes to their desktop.”

Perl in the shell

Author: JT Smith

zez.org: about code has a short and sweet article covering the joys of perl in the shell written by BÃ¥rd Farstad.


European software patents: More trivial than in the U.S.

Author: JT Smith

EuroLinux publishes European software patent horror gallery

Munich, 2000-11-20 – The Association for the Promotion of a Free
Informational Infrastructure (FFII), member of the EuroLinux
of software publishers and non profit associations, has published a
database of software patents granted by the EPO, together with
some impressive examples, statistics and articles. This database
that software patents granted by the European Patent Office are even
more trivial than software patents granted in the United States.
“European Software Patent Horror Gallery” will be introduced on
November 21 11-12:30 in Munich, Germany, with special guest Richard
Stallman, founder of the League for Programming Freedom.
Currently, pure software patents granted by the European Patent
are considered as illegal or abusive by national courts in Europe.
However, this situation may change by the end of the week if the
exception on computer programs is removed from the European Patent
Convention. It would then be no longer legal to conduct automated
medical diagnoses in Europe. The same applies to numerous economic
social activities such as conducting of examinations in schools,
bringing traders together at the stock exchange, generating
lists from cooking recipes, setting prices dynamically, learning
languages by comparing one’s pronunciation with that of a teacher.

these activities would infringe on European patents, as soon as they
are implemented through software. Other EPO patents encumber network
standards such as MIME and CGI and squatter the operating system
by occupying thousands of basic methods of memory arithmetics,
programming in these fields a hazardous endeavour.

FFII’s patent data specialist, Arnim Rupp, recommends that anybody
discussing about software patents should first take a look at that
database: “By browsing through the EPO’s patents you will quickly
find out that this has nothing to do with protecting software, let
alone protecting innovative solutions. What this is really about is
occupying complete problems. Fortunately for us, these hilariously
trivial and gruesomely broad EPO patent claims are so far not
necessarily enforceable before European courts. The American mega
corporations, to whom most of these illegally granted patents
are still waiting for a change in the European Patent Convention. If
the Diplomatic Conference sets the wrong signal in Munich next week,
Germany will hopefully abide by the words of the Ministry of Justice
and refuse to ratify the new European Patent Convention. The
is serious enough to justify this. The European patent system will
work one way or another. The issue at stake now is how to keep 30000
mines from detonating and how to give back basic legal security to
European IT enterprises and citizens.”

For Daniel Rödding, CEO of a software enterprise in Paderborn, the
situation is very serious: “By browsing the FFII’s patent data base
you can quickly grasp what software patents mean for most European
companies today. On such a minefield small software companies hardly
have any chance anymore. For my company I have already drawn the
consequences: Starting from mid of next year we will conduct large
parts of our software development in a country which does not yet
such a highly developed patent law system and in which a change of
legal situation cannot be expected for the near future. In certain
fields the development of software is becoming too dangerous in
Germany. Given the long-term legal risks, continuing with this
activity in Germany would be irresponsible from a small
point of view.” Same applies to the rest of Europe.

So far already 200 software companies and 55000 signatories of the
Eurolinux Petition have expressed themselves in a similar way.
Economists worldwide have confirmed that the introduction of patents
in the software economy tends to harm innovation.

Meanwhile at the “Diplomatic Conference” patent representatives of
European countries will be negotiating about a “Base Proposal for
Revision of the European Patent Convention” drafted by EPO president
Dr. Ingo Kober. Therein the EPO proposes among others to stipulate
universal patentability (Art 52) and to confer special legislative
rights on the administrative council of the EPO (Art 33). The rules
procedure have been determined by the EPO in such a way that
patent delegations can overrule individual items only by a 2/3
majority. Otherwise the will of the EPO will become legally binding
all European countries whose parliaments do not opt out of the
European Patent Convention (EPC).

The “European Software Patent Horror Gallery” will be introduced on
November 21 11-12:30 by near the EPO in Forum der Technik, Helios
conference room. FFII members will respond to questions from
journalists regarding this database and the EuroLinux petition to
protect software innovation in Europe. Special guest Richard
founder of League for Programming Freedom, will introduce the
situation related to software patents in the United States.

European Software Patents: Database and Examples –

Eurolinux Petition for a software patent Free Europe –

Dr. Swen Kiesewetter-Köbinger: Über die Patentprüfung von
Programmen für Datenverarbeitungsanlagen — Probleme und
Ungereimtheiten der Softwarepatentierung aus der Sicht eines Prüfers
am Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt –

Comparative report about the examination practice for software
patents at the US, European and Japanese patent offices –

German Ministry of Justice demands that the computer program
exception not be removed at the coming conference and threatens to
out of the EPC otherwise –

Protecting Informational Innovation against the Abuse of the
Patent System –

A simplistic but true introduction to the problem (German only) – http://www.save-our-software.de/

GNU Project – http://www.gnu.org

Software Patents – League for Programming Freedom –

Diplomatic Conference to revise the European Patent Convention –

The EuroLinux Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe –

EuroLinux Sponsors – http://petition.eurolinux.org/sponsors

Statements for Software Patent Free Europe –

The EuroLinux Public Consultation –

Softwarepatente – SPIEGEL ONLINE – 27. Oktober 2000

The EuroLinux File on Software Patents –

About EuroLinux – www.eurolinux.org
The EuroLinux Alliance for a Free Information Infrastructure is an
open coalition of commercial companies and non-profit associations
united to promote and protect a vigorous European Software Culture
based on Open Standards, Open Competition, Linux and Open Source
Software. Companies members or supporters of EuroLinux develop or
software under free, semi-free and non-free licenses for operating
systems such as Linux, MacOS or Windows.

The EuroLinux Alliance launched on 2000-06-15 an electronic petition
to protect software innovation in Europe. The EuroLinux petition has
received so far massive support from more than 50.000 European
citizens, 2000 corporate managers and 200 companies.

The EuroLinux Alliance has co-organized in 1999, together with the
French Embassy in Japan, the first Europe-Japan conference on Linux
and Free Software. The EuroLinux Alliance is at the initiative of
www.freepatents.org web site to promote and protect innovation and
competition in the European IT industry.

About FFII – www.ffii.org
FFII is a non-profit association which promotes the development of
open interfaces, open source software and freely available public
information. FFII coordinates a workgroup on software patents
which is sponsored by successful German software publishers. FFII
is member of the EuroLinux Alliance.

Corel Linux: acquire, merge or sell

Author: JT Smith

Derek Burney says Corel is ‘prepared to look at any possibility’ in this National Post story on the dark future for Corel Linux. Mr. Burney said it is clear the Linux operating system business is not all it should be. garym


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