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Beginning Perl book review

Author: JT Smith

“Beginning Perl” book review: The goal of this book is to take the hand of the first time perl programmer,
to guide them through the basics and lead them all the way up to working
with files/databases as well as perl-based web development (CGI).
Beginning Perl is a fantastic book for any programmer who is itching to
learn the Perl programming language.
The review is at Linuxlookup.com. -Anonymous Reader

Open Source elections

Author: JT Smith

Florida: It’s become a one-word description of how not
to conduct a political election. But last week I noticed something very
about what was going on. Obscured by the vapid media reports and the
political posturing is a far bigger problem than just one very
screwed-up US
election. It’s a technical problem that may have tilted hundreds of
around the world. And it’s a problem that the hacker community is in a
position to help fix, if they want to.

I confess to being a political junkie. Although I had a hard
time working up much of a sweat about either of the major party
candidates, I
felt the same guilty thrill watching the election results one gets from
witnessing a car crash. But what engaged my inner geek was the largest
technical problem that affected the election. George Bush campaign
Karen Hughes was right to complain about the selective recounts in
saying,” The votes in these four selective
counties are being counted differently than votes in Florida’s 63 other
counties.” Unfortunately the were also tabulated differently, and the
systems have such a range of error rates that there is almost no way to
objectively settle the issue.

In most of the US, and in many so-called “advanced” nations,
the processes used for tabulating voting results are inconsistent,
discriminatory against elderly and inner city populations and utilize
technology that is downright third world. It?s a hidden scandal that
be hidden any longer.

Over the last hundred years, the right to vote has gone from
the privilege of a few to a basic right; in some countries, a mandatory
responsibility of citizenship. Many countries have agonized over ways
increasing low voting rates. This is largely because differing voting
have led to something less than representative government. Turnout
traditionally skewed election results in favor of more educated, middle
issues. A
of the 1994 US congressional elections found that college
were three times more likely to vote than high school drop-outs. Low
rates among less educated, more urban voters is not just an American
phenomenon. In the UK, even after years of agitating for home rule,
30% of
the London voters bothered to cast ballots for their Greater London
In local elections, poor
like Conisbrough featured voting rates as low as 24%.

While most of us have learned to live with the fact that
many people don?t vote, it?s become far more upsetting to learn just
people lose their right to vote because of primitive voting systems,
disproportionately affect poor and urban districts. It?s downright
to learn that most handicapped people have little recourse to a secret

This is entirely due to the use of old, unreliable voting

In many urban areas and older industrial communities, voters
are faced with ancient mechanical voting stations or have to use
unreliable punch card systems which have tripped up hundreds of
elections in
the US and elsewhere.

Many urban areas in the US still
rely on creaky old mechanical tabulators. For example, Philadelphia?s current
are between 25 and 50 years old, weigh over 1000 pounds,
built by companies that no longer exist feature parts that can’t be
and use a lever system that handicapped and elderly people find
and difficult to use. The rate of breakdown is high. The result is
and long delays during major elections.

New York City has had similar problems. DanielDe Francesco,
Director of the New
York City Board of Elections
, has said that in 1998, heavy turnout
“old machines” had a negative affect on totals. Things got so
that on a recent Election Day, 70 repairmen were spread out across the
repairing machines while voters waited. Other equipment problems
antiquated systems hung up elections in Detroit. In ?98, the Michigan
Democratic Party tried unsuccessfully to keep polls open for an
three hours, and some voters were turned away or walked out of polling
places. This year, problems with
equipment led to lines in St. Louis. Political partisans
about whether to keep polling places open.

Other antique and inherently
flawed systems have spoiled ballots even after they were cast.

The worst of these systems has been
the punch card ballot. Derived from technology used to tabulate the US
of 1890, these system had problems even then, and as the recent snafu
Beach country demonstrated, they haven’t improved much.

In 1986, the well respected John and Mary R. Markle Foundation
approached the National Institute of Standards to
learn more about the errors generated by such systems. The 1988 NIST
recommended the elimination of such punch card systems, particularly
“pre-scored” (partially cut) ballot cards, citing inaccurate voting
counts that
resulted from their use. A few years earlier the State of Illinois had
their electro-mechanical tabulation systems and found that 28% of them generated tabulation errors.

The consequences of such errors can be severe.

In October of 1995 the voters of
Quebec went to the polls to vote on whether to secede from the rest of
The No?s won by a razor-thin margin of only 1.12% or 52,488 votes.
Unfortunately the there were over 86
“spoiled ballots”
in that
election, nearly half again the margin in the election!

In a recent primary election in
the state of Hawaii, over
9,300 votes
were spoiled by bad equipment.
Thousands more had their ballots kicked back or damaged and had to
revote, sometimes several times. In 1998, the spoilage rate was even
high enough to require a state-wide recount, even though most races
particularly close.

In Peruvian elections a few
years back, poorly maintained punch card systems were partially
responsible for
a ballot spoilage rate of that approached 6 %. The result contributed
an international incident.
The US State Department cited the antique vote counting systems used by
Peruvian officials as one of their many reasons to denounce the
election. “We do not
see the election as being valid… No president
emerging from such a flawed process can claim legitimacy

In a twenty year-old study, investigators
found that one in twenty Ohioans accidentally invalidated their vote
because they “over-voted” in the gubernatorial election. Voters either
or nicked more than one punch hole, or an extra tab simply fell out on
its own
during the tabulation process. In Cincinnati, attempts by election
workers to
clean up bad punch cards with tweezers after the 1985 election caused a
small but memorable

Improperly punched cards are only part of
the problem. Another can be poorly made, imprecise cards. In
southeastern North
Carolina, Duplin County election officials found that the punch card
didn?t align up properly with candidate names so elections director
Futrell sent them back. The second batch was no better. “The third
got it right,” said Futrell. North Carolina, like many states (like
Florida!) use a hodgepodge
of systems, and spoiled ballot percentages that vary accordingly,
damaging the credibility of close votes.

So what happens if you are a
local official in a close race being decided by punch card ballots? You
lots of money and wait. A
local coroner?s race in Missouri
took over two years to resolve,
bankrupting the two major contestants.

Government officials outside the
US have been vigilant about ballot spoilage, particularly in close
In a Toronto city
election during the mid-eighties
, the spoilage rate amounted to
little more
than 1%, but the margins in several minor races that year were less
third of that spoilage rate. Although in most districts no races were
the city went ahead with a comprehensive recount of all ballots across
city. Election explained their action as an attempt to audit what had
wrong with the count.

No amount a vigilance is a substitute for a better system, however.
Most people assume that better system should be computer-based.

The ACM developed a suggested
set of Characteristics
of a Good Electronic Voting System
some years back. Many of the
systems being offered lack significant numbers of those

One commercial developer of
electronic voting machines, Microvote,
has developed a system they call “Infinity Voting Panels”. These
used in a number of general elections in the United States this year.
They have
many advantages. They are lightweight, and designed to be easily
portable, even
to the extent of being taken out to the curb to allow the mobility
impaired to
vote from their car. But the systems use dull, gray-on-gray liquid
, making for potential visibility problems. The company
the machine has what they call “transflextive”
lighting, which allegedly brightens or darkens in response to the light
n the
area. But they are still more difficult to read than a traditional

That’s important. An inability to read the ballot is what started
the whole mess up
in Century City Florida, a Palm Beach community of Senior citizens,
whom complained they couldn?t read the ballot they were given. As one advocacy
group put
, “Access to a secret ballot is guaranteed by most state
constitutions, but it is only a dream for those unable to use current
technology.” Many
advocates for the handicapped prefer a design similar to eSlate’s
Access Unit(tm) the DAU 5000, a computer system developed by Hart InterCivic which
features a
specially modified computer for use by the handicapped. The machines
cost about
$2,500 each, with additional modifications such as the voice
another $1000 to each unit.

In addition the software for many of these systems is less than
perfect. Morgan County, Indiana used Microvote machines and eyebrows
were raised when they system seemed to have the ballots listed
candidates names
in reverse order of what was intended, leading to last minute
and complaints by the losing Democrats.

Some activists maintain that the
software in most electronic
voting systems is insecure
and allege that it would not take a
manipulation to defraud elections. In California, Gov Gray Davis cited
variety of
security concerns when he vetoed a bill that would have let local
officials use
an electronic voting system, based on Internet technology at several

Electronic voting critics were nearly
proved right in the most recent elections. In New Mexico?s Bernalillo
election officials nearly missed thousands of votes logged on
systems developed by Global Election Systems Inc because “someone in
clerk’s office failed to ?click a box? on the computer menu” to
systems ability to count straight-party-ticket voting. The result was a
delay to manually re-tabulate votes.

Many observers have suggested that the
only means of guaranteeing that votes are fairly tabulated is to
a system based on auditable, “open source” software platform.

This could help the other problem
holding up widespread adoption; the cost of new technology.
is going to employ new
electronic voting systems similar to those now found in nearby suburbs,
but it
won?t be cheap. The city?s Capital Programs Office budgeted for a $21
expenditure in 2001 and that may not be nearly enough. In Los Angeles,
projected bill of better than $98 million kept that county from
electronic voting system using touch screen computers.

Low cost, partly open systems helped
reduce the cost of electronic voting systems to the point that the
poor nation of Brazil could afford to adopt an electronic voting system
nationwide. The Brazilian government chose to use a system based on
bank teller technology, and in a test
with 33 million voters
had a failure rate of only 0.9%. The
Fundação Certi,
expects to go nationwide shortly, with over 77,000 voting stations
across the
country. Ultimately the system should cover all of Brazil?s 323,000
stations. The system has
been endorsed
by the International Foundation for
Election Systems and Roy G.Saltman, one of the leading experts on
systems technology, and a leading
critic of most US based systems.

Want to grow your own voting
system? You could do worse than to look
at the SENSUS
, which was developed by AT&T?s Dr. Lorrie Faith Cranor
while she was still
a grad student at Washington University in St. Louis. The Sensus system
still has a number of conceptual and technical flaws, but it is as
to an open source electronic elections system
that I?ve seen anywhere. You?re invited to download
it for
testing and evaluation purposes
. I?d be interested to hear what you

Not that it?s going to do any
good this year….


  • Linux

VMware wins PC Magazine Technical Excellence Award

Author: JT Smith

From PR Newswire: PC Magazine has named
VMware Inc. the winner of its year 2000 Technical Excellence
Award for software.
PC Magazine cited VMware software’s ability to run multiple operating
systems simultaneously or multiple instances of the same operating system on
the same machine.

Torvalds announces Linux 2.4.0-test11-pre5

Author: JT Smith

The announcement’s at linhardwaree.com: Linus Torvalds announces Linux kernel 2.4.0-test11-pre5 with this short explanation:”More drivers. The x86 capabilities cleanup is here.”


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Stay at home, send a robot to Comdex

Author: JT Smith

VNUnet profiles the iRobot, which has a built-in Apache web server running Red Hat Linux and is powered by an AMD K6 chip.


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Corel CEO looks at future, Microsoft deal

Author: JT Smith

IDG News Service profiles Corel and its plans for the future. CEO Derek Burney says, “If I were Microsoft, I’d have two approaches to Linux: One, I hope it goes away, or two, let’s figure out how to work with it.”


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Linux sets its sights on the PDA market

Author: JT Smith

ZD Net offers a roundup of Linux PDA announcements, including recent news from Trolltech and Century Software.


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MP3.com pays $53.4 million to end copyright suit

Author: JT Smith

CNet reports that MP3.com has agreed to pay $53.4 million to end its copyright infringement suit
with Seagram’s Universal Music Group “in a deal approved by a federal judge just minutes before a
scheduled trial to assess damages in the case. The accord means that MP3.com has mended fences with all five of the major record labels over its My.MP3.com music
storage locker service.” More from Wired.com.

Choosing Open Source: What does it mean?

Author: JT Smith

From OS Opinion: “I know perhaps twenty-five or thirty programmers personally; I’d count eight of them as friends. They are all programmers like myself: corporate IT folks whose daily lives are spent producing in-house apps. All of us use Windows NT as a development platform; the lingua franca is either Visual Basic or some variant of C++ (although Java is becoming more popular). But of all of us, I am the only one actively developing under Linux (on my own time, of course). I have long been a user of Linux — I first started using Slackware in 1994, switched to Debian in 1996 — but only recently began to do serious Linux programming. My toolkit of hoice is GTK+, and my language is straight C. I use Glade as a GUI-builder and XEmacs as my editor.” -Submitted by Kelly McNeill


  • Open Source

Open Source apps for Windows – can’t we all just get along?

Author: JT Smith

– by Tina Gasperson

The way Linux plays against Microsoft brings to mind images of the
American revolution. Closed-source guys are the redcoats and the
free software community is filled with upstart patriots. It’s not too
difficult to imagine Richard M. Stallman dumping boxes of Windows CDs
into Boston Harbor, or Eric S. Raymond donning a tricorn
and navigating the Sacramento River in California with a boatload of
rebel coders in tow.

Stallman, founder of the Free Software Movement:
“Either toss the Windows out of your computer, or toss your computer out the

The opposition the colonists had for British monarchy was
understandable; after all, their personal liberties and safety were
at stake. Is today’s software struggle worthy of the same level of
strife? Certainly not — but if you examine the atmosphere of animosity
perpetrated at big discussion sites like Slashdot, it’d be easy to
come away with the impression that software’s freedom fighters are
ready to fight to the death against the tyranny of King Gates.

Logically thinking, the hatred should only go as far as the
reciprocity of the conflict. So, do Open Sourcers only hate Windows
because closed source is against Open Source — or has it become just
too exhilarating to engage in heated battle? There are lots of
developers working on GPL software for the Windows platform;
shouldn’t we expect that these projects would be welcomed with open
arms by the free software community?

User “karellen” in a freshmeat
discussion about free software for Windows
: “opensource
on windows would certainly suck. Most windoze users are clueless
about how programs work, how an OS works. Windoze is closed-source,
badly written, it runs like shit and wastes a lot of resources.”

Jeff Covey in the same freshmeat discussion: “I think of
it [free software for Windows] as enabling people in their unhealthy
habits; we should be moving people to GNU/Linux or *BSD, not
encouraging their use of proprietary platforms by giving them better
software to run on them.”

Developers working on Open Source software for the Windows
platform say they don’t get a lot of direct negative feedback. Bruce
Winter is the maintainer of Misterhouse, a perl-based
home automation system
that runs on both Windows and Unix.
His project is hosted by SourceForge,
a free resource for Open Source projects (for any operating system)
that is offered by VA Linux (the owner of Newsforge).

“Our mailing list (350 members) is one of the few places that
I have seen Windows and Unix users peacefully co-exist.” says
Winter. “We have yet to have a ‘Windows/Unix is better’ flame,
even though the list members are split 50/50 between the two. The
consensus is that Unix is more stable and generally a better think
because it is free and open, but Windows is easier and currently
talks to more hardware gadgets.”

Butch Landingin, originally the head developer for Squishdot, a
Slashdot-inspired weblog program that runs on Windows or Unix, agrees
that the two camps can peacefully co-exist. “Since I released
Squishdot, I have never received anything negative about Squishdot
working on Windows — in fact, it is the OS platform I developed it
on — although I made sure when I first released it that it did, in
fact, work on the Linux version of Zope,” he says. “Maybe
the fact that Zope & Python communities have both Windows and
Linux users that have been working together pretty well for a long
time is one reason why there doesn’t seem to be any (or at least
less) animosity against MS Windows OSes and software.”

So, it is a fact that Windows and Unix can live in peace. Maybe in
some colonies, they just don’t want to. But wouldn’t it behoove an
Open Source software repository like Freshmeat.net to include Windows

“I think not encouraging Open Source software, even if it
were exclusively for Windows, is just plain goofy,” says Winter.
“Lots of people, especially kids just getting started with
computers, don’t have access to Linux yet. They won’t have a chance
to learn unless we give them the tools and examples to start with.”

Jeroen van der Zijp, head developer of the FOX
platform independent GUI toolkit
says, “I regret [that]
freshmeat [doesn’t] list any Windows software, as doing so would
significantly increase traffic to that site, and probably expose more
Windows users to the bounty of software currently available under

But Landingin responds, “They [freshmeat] are not the only ones
listing open source software projects — there’s Appwatch, Icewalkers
and a bunch of other sites offering a similar service that don’t
limit themselves to unix/linux based open source projects. So it is
not really that critical if freshmeat chooses not to list MS-Windows
based projects.

“On the other hand,” he adds, “I would
rather hope that they change their minds and that they choose to
include them in the future.”

The dual-booting writer of this article, in a snit, “Must
reboot. Stinkin’ MS.”

It’s all well and good to get along, but does the other OS deserve
it? And is that even the point? Landingin doesn’t think so. “One
would find, especially in the corporate world, that it is the
prejudice against Open Source that we still have to struggle against
most of the time, even though big strides have been made in the past
few years. There is still a lot of open source evangelization that needs
to be done, and this kind of ‘exclusivity’ and prejudice
against MS Windows doesn’t help in those efforts.”

NewsForge editors read and respond to comments posted on our discussion page.


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