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Corel’s e-Too seeks to liven up Web mail

Author: JT Smith

From Info World: Corel has introduced a new technology called e-Too, designed for adding features to Web mail software. The technology would allow email messages sent through Web mail services to appear in a variety of text formats. More from IDG.net.

Firstwave holds ‘key to success,’ reports Aberdeen

Author: JT Smith

From PR Newswire: Firstwave Technologies, Inc., a provider of Internet
relationship management solutions, announced new research data
from the Aberdeen Group which places Firstwave favorably in the Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) mid-market and ASP market.
The Aberdeen Group’s Strategy Profile report, published November 2000,
analyzes the use of the Internet in expanding the depth and breadth of CRM
applications. Aberdeen concludes that “Firstwave and its eRM offering clearly
meet the requirements of the mid-market sector …”

Netscape 6 establishes new standard

Author: JT Smith

eWeek reviews Netscape 6: The browser offers “unparelleled customizability, but its lack of LDAP, messaging and directory support will hurt corporate sales.”

Torvalds: The truth shall make you … rich?

Author: JT Smith

CRN via TechWeb reports on Linus Torvalds’ answer to a question about making money with Linux, during a discussion at Comdex: “I can give you an analogy from the past. One
‘company’ that used to hold the truth was the Catholic
church. The church made a lot of money by having a
proprietary truth. All the richest people were religious
people. The Pope had a lot more money than the scientists.
The analogy is that the truth became open, like open
source, and the truth was science. I believe open source
and Linux is about the same thing. Sure, we broke the lock,
but we opened the lock and opened the door to go past
Microsoft where the whole market expands, and the end
result is going to be a lot more money.”


  • Linux

Firecard: Firewall on a PCI card

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss this little nugget: “The people at Merilus have grabbed a PCI card, embedded Linux,
added some Ethernet ports and come up with the FireCard. The OS on the host
system can crash out, without affecting your firewall. Once installed, the
FireCard provides firewalling, routing, bandwidth management, virtual private
networking, redundant failover, intrusion detection and much more.”


  • Linux

Laptops, Net appliances are Transmeta’s domain

Author: JT Smith

IDG.net reports on the number of Transmeta sightings at Comdex, including Sony’s Viao PictureBook and two Hitachi products. Some companies are “believers that the chipmaker’s processor is ideal for smaller portable machines.”


  • Unix

Skirting some common Samba problems

Author: JT Smith

Linux World has a column on a Samba, the most common Open Source file and print server, and how to avoid the “potential quirks” while using it.


  • Open Source

Komodo Perl/Python editor beta available

Author: JT Smith

From use.perl.org: “Komodo, ActiveState’s cross-platform, cross-language Integrated
Development Environment based on the Mozilla application development
framework, is available in pre-beta for download. The Technology Preview
Release has support for Windows NT/2000. Support for other platforms will be available very soon.”

BSA’s campaign of terror

Author: JT Smith

Joe Barr is on a campaign against the BSA campaign – read the rant at Penguinista.org:”The BSA, an organization of software publishers which presents itself as a faux-officious police enforcement bureau, is conducting a global campaign of threats, bullying, and terror on behalf of Microsoft and other of its members. The goal of the campaign is to frighten users of unlicensed software into buying legitimate, licensed copies.” -Submitted by Brent Toderash

Intel Pentium 4 benchmarks

Author: JT Smith

Australian IT rates Intel’s forthcoming processor: “So how fast is it? Very. But not nearly as fast as you’d want it to be, for the money.”


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