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Berst: the Comdex 2000 superguide

Author: JT Smith

ZDNET’s Jesse Berst reports: “So you won’t see me fighting the crowds in Las Vegas this week
at Comdex. But that doesn’t mean I’m ignoring this annual tech
extravaganza. And you shouldn’t either. Whether you’re
attending or not, here’s my Comdex road map to keep you
ahead of the game.”


  • Linux

Open Source of woe – Netscape

Author: JT Smith

ZDNET reports that last week, Netscape, a division of America Online, was lambasted by
thousands of angry Web developers who were under the impression
the forthcoming Navigator 6 browser won’t conform to critical
Internet standards.


  • Open Source

Intel ‘going for AMD’s balls’

Author: JT Smith

Geeks rushing to buy early P4s at marked up prices are going to
look pretty dumb come January when Intel’s Flagchip will hit 2GHz.
The chip is not scheduled to launch for another week (at 1.4 and
1.5GHz), but a number of retailers are already offering the part for
sale. From The Register.


  • Unix

Gates doesn’t quite name Whistler Windows 2001

Author: JT Smith

From The Register:

“Had Bill been going to do the grand naming ceremony, but decided
to leave it for another time? Did the spinmeisters decide to hold off
the easy and obvious name while they tried to think of something
better? Or, considering recent products names, something worse?

Anyway it might be called Windows 2001, or then again it might not.”

Don’t delete that browser: Microsoft, @Home scuffle

Author: JT Smith

Don’t like Microsoft’s new MSN Explorer? You might want to think twice about uninstalling it, reports PcWorld. At least,
that’s what Microsoft hopes you will do, underscoring its concern by delivering a worrisome message
when you try to remove the software.

Trolltech releases Qt/Embedded, version 2.2.2

Author: JT Smith

Maximum Linux reports that Trolltech has announced the release of Qt/Embedded, version 2.2.2. For the first time, Qt/Embedded is released
under both a commercial and an open source license, the GPL. Also released today is the Qt Palmtop Environment,
which is the first Personal Information Management (PIM) package for embedded Linux released under the GPL.


  • Open Source

Comdex schedule of live webcasts

Author: JT Smith

Check in at ZDNET for live video of all the Comdex keynotes. The
kickoff was Sunday, Nov. 12 with Bill Gates.


  • Linux

Private-sector techies get top pay, bonuses

Author: JT Smith

CNET.com reports that in a poll of more than 4,300 tech workers, career site Techies.com found that employees at publicly traded companies had the
highest annual salary at $58,048, followed by $54,604 for workers at non-public companies and $48,330 for government/non-profit


  • Open Source

MS Bug of the day: WSFTP

Author: JT Smith

When attempting to upload files with Ipswitch’s
WS_FTP 6.0 and later, the following error may
appear: “503 No PORT command issued first.â€
According to Ipswitch, the problem can be
worked around by setting “Passive Mode†to off.
This setting can be found on the Host Info tab on
the connection screen. From MSNBC.

ICANN narrows Internet addresses

Author: JT Smith

From the Wall Street Journal: The group assuming
technical management of the Internet, which will
likely select new suffixes for the world’s Web
addresses at a meeting later this week, has
essentially narrowed its choices to about 13
possibilities, eschewing suffixes such as “kidsâ€
and “xxx.â€