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Wearable computer maker chooses Crusoe

Author: JT Smith

InfoWorld reports that Minnesota wearable computer maker Via has chosen Transmeta’s Crusoe chip for its belt-attached computer because of the chip’s low heat and low power requirements. CNet has more, including information that the U.S. Army is testing the Via wearable computer.


  • Unix

Red Hat names Kevin Thompson as new CFO

Author: JT Smith

ZD Net has a brief saying Red Hat has named Kevin Thompson, its vice president of operations, as its new chief financial officer.


  • Linux


Author: JT Smith

“Ah, life is good with DSL. Everyone has enough bandwidth to have fun.

Then it happens. Susan and I both get knocked off our machines. The login
prompt flashes on our screens. Susan and I both try to log-on. I try telneting
back into the server. Nothing works. I power down the server and waited for
it to reboot. The machine boots up — and everything looks fine. Until I try to
log on.

Recent headlines jump into my mind — I must have an intruder. I rip out the
Ethernet cable, hoping I’ve disconnected in time to keep the hacker from
hosing my box. I become very angry. I ponder my next move.” From justLinux.com.

Survey predicts boom in Linux deployments

Author: JT Smith

eWeek reports on a Zona Research study, which predicts a significant amount of growth in Linux deployment will happen in the next year. Half of large companies say they expect up to 25 percent more Linux users in their ranks during the next year, and small companies expect an even greater adoption rate.


  • Linux

Bug of the day

Author: JT Smith

Error 7512 in Quickbooks is popping up, MSNBC reports.

Nasa cyber-criminal pleads guilty

Author: JT Smith

A 20-year-old man from California has pleaded guilty to breaking into several computers at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1998. VNUnet reports.


  • Linux

Japan passes info-tech law to create e-nation

Author: JT Smith

ZDCOUK reports that the Internet has been relatively slow to catch on in Japan, with the
high cost of telecommunications fees a key barrier, and many
companies fear the lag is hampering their ability to compete.

Interfacing with Java from PHP

Author: JT Smith

At zez.org:
PHP4 ext/java provides a simple and effective means for creating and invoking methods on Java objects from PHP. This article will give you a quick tutorial on how to use the PHP Java extension. Paul K Egell-Johnsen

Whistler to include ‘block all unsigned apps’ secure mode

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports that Microsoft is to incorporate a “signed application” system in
Whistler, the intention being to furnish users with a super-secure
mode of operation that just plain stops code executing on the
machine. Unsigned code, that is. Speaking about Whistler in
London today Microsoft VP for IT infrastructure and hosting Jim
Ewel described this as being one of several security modes that can
be implemented.

Kondara goes to Vegas

Author: JT Smith

In the TheLinuxStore.com showcase located at the Linux Business Expo
(booth #P437), Linux “newbies” and experienced users will be treated to a
visual demonstration of the Kondara desktop software, featuring its unique
multi-lingual capabilities and enhanced multi-media features. Convention
participants there will also have the ability to purchase Kondara products at
the LinuxMall.com pavilion. From LinuxPR.