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Techie votes tough to gauge

Author: JT Smith

Gore supporters dominated the vote count in a number of U.S. technology industry hubs. But George W. Bush wasn’t left out of the party entirely — at least not on his home turf. From Wired.com.

Kernel news from LWN

Author: JT Smith

The latest about 2.4 and pre-releases, from LWN.net.


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Three-tier web site architecture

Author: JT Smith

Penguin Computing will employ its newest servers – including
ones introduced at LBE – to demonstrate three-tier Web site architecture at COMDEX.
Visitors will be able to see how companies can use Web servers, application
servers and database servers to build stable and scalable architecture for
e-business. From LinuxPR.

Development news from LWN

Author: JT Smith

There’s a lot going on in Linux development this week. Read about it at LWN.net.


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Backup utility integrated into ‘Evolocity clusters’

Author: JT Smith

Evolocity cluster systems include computational hardware,
ClusterWorX(TM) management software, RapidFlow(TM) 10/100 and
Gigabit Ethernet Switch, applications, and storage, including the BRU
backup utility. From LinuxPR.

Law’s not the answer to cybercrime

Author: JT Smith

From Upside Today: “Take a good look at the RIAA [Recording Industry Association of America] and how much of a
damn the public gives about their legal rights to get a glimmer of what I’m talking about here.
Making unenforceable laws or unevenly enforced laws just adds to the general disrespect for the


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Distributions news from LWN

Author: JT Smith

RedICE Linux, Monkey Linux, and more. From LWN.net.


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Lutris Technologies launches new partner program

Author: JT Smith

The Lutris Solution Partner Program
is an expansion of Lutris’ current partner program, which includes strategic
alliances with Compaq, NEC, Suse, VA Linux, Navisite and others. The press release is at LinuxPR.com.

P2P’s real issues – 1st amendment, captive markets

Author: JT Smith

Technocrat is carrying an article by the lyricist for Grateful Dead about the pending death of the music industry, citing Napster as a symptom of the collapse.

EBay may sell bootlegged music

Author: JT Smith

Nando Times reports that a judge has ruled on-line auctioneer eBay may not be prevented from selling bootlegged goods such as illegal recordings through its web site.