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Commentary: Transmeta investors bought blindly

Author: JT Smith

From a ZD Net column: “In the rush to get in on the action, retail buyers got so bamboozled by the hype around Transmeta that they simply ignored anything that poked holes in the story line.”


  • Open Source

Indecision 2000: One of them won, we think

Author: JT Smith

Humor site Segfault reports on the real winner in the 2000 presidential election, while The Onion is playing it safe, either way.


  • Management

Intel claims 0.13-micron milestone

Author: JT Smith

ZDCOUK reports that the chip maker claims to be first to finalize 0.13-micron
manufacturing plans, having already passed two critical milestones:
it has created static RAM chips and, more recently, samples of
Pentium III chips based on the new 0.13-micron process.


  • Unix

BSA deploys imaginary pirate software detector vans

Author: JT Smith

The Business Software Alliance, aka The Pirate Busters, is growing
so frustrated in its hopeless efforts to cut down on software piracy
that it has decided propaganda and misinformation is the way
forward. The Register has the story.


  • Linux

Forget movies, give techies tech

Author: JT Smith

Recruiters seeking top IT talent may have it all wrong, reports Wired.com. Employees want hardware and basic benefits, not foosball in the lounge.


  • Linux

HP tests waters with pint-sized PC

Author: JT Smith

CNET reports that the Palo Alto, Calif.-based company Wednesday is launching a phone book-sized PC for the home, the Pavilion 2755C, picking up
on a popular trend at the office. The Bonsai Blue and silver metallic case–not to be confused with the iMac’s Bondi Blue–measures
13 inches tall, 14.75 inches deep and 4 inches wide.


  • Unix

Hacker war rages in holy land

Author: JT Smith

Israel and Palestine supporters have been flailing away at each other in cyberspace for more than a month, attacking each others’ websites. From Wired.com.


  • Linux

‘Mafiaboy’ to plead guilty to breaking into major Web sites

Author: JT Smith

The 16-year-old Montreal-area high-school student known as Mafiaboy has agreed to plead guilty to a series of attacks on major Internet sites including CNN.com, Yahoo.com Inc., Amazon.com Inc., eBay.com Inc., Dell.com and others in February. ComputerWorld has the story.


  • Linux

Microsoft must pay Bristol legal fees

Author: JT Smith

MSNBC reports: Bristol makes a software product called Wind/U,
which allows programs written specifically for Windows to
be converted to run on computers with different operating
systems such as UNIX.
Bristol sued Microsoft in August 1996, claiming the
industry leader was trying to crush competition by
preventing access to its source code — software blueprints
— for Windows NT.

Realtime 3D games can now be a reality

Author: JT Smith

From a Newsforge reader: “With the release of AURAN Jet, the creation of Realtime 3D games can now actually become a reality to garage developers and experienced game developers alike.
Visit www.auranjet.com for more information.” pagefault