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Configuring your Apache compile

Author: JT Smith

Apache Today: “During my ‘Introduction to Apache Server’ talk at ApacheCon, I talked about configuring your Apache compilation using the
configure script. During the break, someone asked why I was talking about using configure, but did not mention using

That’s configure with a lower case c, and Configure with an upper case C, in case you missed the distinction.

Well, I suppose there’s really no particular reason that I talk about one over the other. Except that configure seems to be a little
easier to explain to beginners.”


  • Open Source

Weekly Linux security digest

Author: JT Smith

“Some ugly problems were found this week in SWAT. Remote attackers can execute a denial of
service, or try to brute-force usernames and passwords. However, if you log these attempts, local
users on the server can potentially gain root access, or simply look at the log file for the usernames
and passwords of users that log in successfully to manage Samba via SWAT.” From Security Portal.


  • Linux

MS software profits down – blame Linux?

Author: JT Smith

From LinuxToday: A lot of people in the Linux community don’t want to hear anything about what’s happening with
Microsoft; but the truth is that anything remotely resembling “world domination” will only be achieved, by
Linux, “over Microsoft’s dead body” — that’s the way MS is playing the game.

I’ve been waiting for the past two years to write a story about Linux putting a serious dent in Microsoft’s
bottom line. If Linux is going anywhere at all, eventually it has to show up in Microsoft’s revenues. I have
no doubt at all that Linux is going somewhere, so I’ve seen it as only a matter of time before MS would
put out that historic quarterly report that showed its profits shrinking — or at least growing at a rate far
enough below the 30% per year investors have come to take for granted it would send shockwaves
through the financial markets. This is inevitable, if MS revenues drop much below the market’s
expectations — that’s the way the financial community is playing the game.


  • Linux

Las Vegas sexes up for Comdex

Author: JT Smith

Sin City prepares for the male-dominated IT audience with even raunchier lounge acts and escort services on red alert. Boys will be boys. Wired.com reports.


  • Linux

Got Tech? Find the Dems

Author: JT Smith

A Wired News scorecard of Democratic tech votes in the U.S. Senate shows the president’s party generally supportive of the industry. By Declan McCullagh and Nicholas Morehead.

Stories of the Microserfs – you had to be there

Author: JT Smith

“Microsoft’s 25th anniversary book, inside out: Microsoft – in Our Own Words,
was released last week to mark a quarter-century of the quest for world

It contains the edited versions of interviews with 1000 Microsoft employees
spanning the company’s history, laid out in hypertextual style between, on and
around photos of staff playing indoor golf and factoids about Microsoft’s
brilliant career in colorful fonts.” Fairfax IT reports.

New McAfee virus update freezes Windows

Author: JT Smith

PCWorld tells us: The latest virus definition update for Network Associates’ McAfee VirusScan can freeze computer systems, Network Associates has confirmed.


  • Linux

Palestinian group targets AT&T

Author: JT Smith

A Palestinian group is waging an online battle against AT&T for repairing the website of the Israeli
parliament, urging its subscribers to cancel their services, Wired.com reports.


  • Linux

Open source, open protocols – we need them

Author: JT Smith

From OSOpinion.com: “The tyrant of technology uses government-guaranteed technological secrets to include or
exclude people, companies, even churches and other social institutions. Nobody owns numbers,
nobody owns letters, and nobody owns the laws of physics or the rules of mathematics. But
tyrants can own protocols, they can own file formats, they can own interfaces, they can own
filters. The virtual tyrants both now and in the future can control by using the laws they create,
even if they can no longer leverage their strength to control by means of natural law.”


  • Open Source

The ten immutable laws of security – from Microsoft?

Author: JT Smith

“Here at the Microsoft Security Response Center, we investigate thousands of security reports
every year. In some cases, we find that a report describes a bona fide security vulnerability
resulting from a flaw in one of our products; when this happens, we develop a patch as quickly as
possible to correct the error. In other
cases, the reported problems simply result from a mistake someone made in using the product.”