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Review of Storm Linux 2000

Author: JT Smith

LinuxOrbit reviews Storm Linux, touching on installation, packages, and system administration with the distribution. “Storm Linux has what most consider by far a much easier installation than the standard Debian installer. The install process starts within a console mode. After verifying keyboard type and mouse, you have the option of switching to a graphical installer.


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CNET Networks acquires AppWatch

Author: JT Smith

CNET Networks has aquired the opensource software directory AppWatch. More information is available on linuxpr.com.

Cooper: Closing the Linux credibility gap-dupe

Author: JT Smith

In an editorial piece on ZDNet, the support of Linux by IBM is analysed and discussed. While mentioning the strength of Linux on the developer side, it mainly focuses on mainstream acceptance of Linux, and why it’s not happening.

When will IBM release OpenAFS?

Author: JT Smith

An Ask Slashdot was posted asking “Where is IBM’s open AFS?.” Due to the nature of Slashdot’s posting system, this question was submitted before IBM released the AFS code, but was posted after the slashdot story about the release of the actual code.


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Macintosh port of Python 2.0

Author: JT Smith

In a recent Mac Product Watch over at ZDNet, Jack Jansen’s Mac port of Python 2.0 was announced. It is available from the official website.

The next generation of XAnim

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot has a discussion about the Xanim media player for Linux. They also have a link to a feature list for interested programmers

The father of Java gets tough; James Gosling on Microsoft, Java

Author: JT Smith

Some skills and achievements look better on CVs than others. James Gosling, vice-president and fellow
of Sun Microsystems, can add a pretty good bullet-point to his career history: ‘Creator of the Java
programming language.’

More recently, he’s been directing his attention towards Mr Gates and the monolithic Microsoft
Corporation. He’s put those famous pictures of Gates receiving a pie in the face on his website. More
importantly, Gosling was one of the 12 witnesses at the Microsoft trial. From Linuxtoday.com.


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HAL 91 – a minimalistic Linux distribution

Author: JT Smith

You just a need a minimal system with a 386 processor and 8MB of RAM. HAL91 comes along with harddisk and CD-ROM support but it runs directly from
floppy out of a RAM disk.
A special feature of HAL91 is the included minimal support for NE2000 compliant network hardware and the ability to establish a PPP connection over a null
modem cable (via the ppp-nullmodem script). From Linux Gazette.


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Narval, the intelligent Linux personal assistant

Author: JT Smith

Linux Gazette reports: “Narval is an Intelligent Personal Assistant software, released under the GNU Public License by Logilab. It was used to set up Gazo, a bot that is assisting the group
of volunteers that translates Linux Gazette into French, by taking care of most of the coordination-related work. Narval features artificial intelligence and agent
technologies and contributes to change the way we use the Internet and computers. Narval stands for Network Assistant Reasoning with a Validating Agent


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2000 Reader’s choice awards from Linux Journal

Author: JT Smith

“Roll out the red carpet, it’s time to announce the winners of the 2000 Linux Journal Readers’ Choice Awards. After another explosive year, the hype and trendiness
have cleared to reveal (as we knew it would) that Linux is a serious contender in almost every market. Although some speculate that the development of all things
Linux has settled down, we know the revolution is gaining breadth and speed. “


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