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Closing the Linux credibility gap

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet evaluates Linux’ growing credibility among business in light of IBM’s recently announced contract for the sale of 15000 Linux-installed computers to a Japanese firm.

Water usage in space

Author: JT Smith

NASA discusses water economy and usage in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) emphasising the importance of minimising waste.


  • Linux

Databases the next target for open source?

Author: JT Smith

CRN contemplates the future and examines the past in the software industry, looking specifically at databases as the future of open source.


  • Open Source

Claim: Microsoft cracked again

Author: JT Smith

Microsoft’s troubles with security apparently continue. Just a week after the company reported an intrusion into its networks, a Dutch computer cracker named using the name Dimitri said that “Microsoft failed to install a patch for a known bug in its Internet Information Server software and has not sufficiently secured its Web servers.”
The story’s at Info World.


  • Linux

The Network Manager: Connecting OS X to Unix

Author: JT Smith

MacWeek has a column
about connecting OS X to Unix: “The standard Unix connection tools are all here: telnet, rsh, rlogin, ftp, nfs, lp and so on. Aside from FTP
clients, they currently run only from the command line, although a Carbon version of MacTelnet is due
soon. The latter shows great promise, in part because it’s scriptable, something the command-line
remote-access tools are not.”


  • Unix

RMS, GNU endorse FreeDevelopers.net

Author: JT Smith

From Technocrat: “GNU.org elaborates on its link page [www.gnu.org/links/links]:
FreeDevelopers.net FreeDevelopers is a democratic entity for the
development of free software. The free company, probably the first of its
kind in the world, will be owned and run by developers worldwide on a
democratic basis in a sacred trust for the benefit and protection of the
world’s citizens.”

Company prepares to launch ‘Linux for novices’ product

Author: JT Smith

Maximum Linux has this tidbit: “Tel Aviv-based startup Epitera is preparing to launch its first product at Comdex Fall 2000: an
as-yet-unnamed desktop Linux environment for PC/Linux-novices.

Targeting the technically disinclined crowd, the company says that the system comes with pre-installed
applications and a software manager that automatically downloads and installs new applications required
by the user.”


  • Linux

Law clinic aims to bring moral tone to tech

Author: JT Smith

From SFGate.com: “Genius, grit and greed drove the first raucous
decades of high tech high life. Now, a cyberlaw
expert hopes to start up something new in Silicon
Valley, a dot.conscience.

With a staff of law school students at the University
of California, Berkeley, the clinic will examine
dot-com cons, electronic eavesdropping, copyright
battles and other ethical dilemmas.”

Microsoft breakin discussed at Linux conference

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reports on the reaction of the Linux community at the federal Linux conference to the security breakin at Microsoft last week.


  • Linux

3Dwm releases update

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss the news that 3Dwm, the three-dimensional window
manager, has just
released a new, extensive release of 3Dwm, version 0.2.2.


  • Linux