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Tcl development threatened

Author: JT Smith

Use.perl.org has a note about Ajuba being take over by Interwoven, which it says, has “no interest in Tcl and will not be
funding its development. Products like TclPro will be discontinued and the
Tcl source code will go to SourceForge.”

Linux gets a Tokyo glow

Author: JT Smith

A ZDNet columnist reports from Japan: “It was in a meeting room with this vista, earlier this week, where the Linux Professional Institute’s Japanese wing
took flight and announced to the world the availability for the first time
of the LPI’s certification exams in a language other than English.
Forgetting the fact that I seemed to have spent more time flying to Japan
than actually staying there last weekend, the trip left me somewhat


  • Linux

Review: BSD part of MacOS X Beta

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers debate a Deamon News article about the
BSD core of MacOS X Beta, talking about how it differs from
the traditional MacOS and how it differs from BSD.


  • Unix

MMC Networks, MontaVista bring Linux to network processor-based routers

Author: JT Smith

From LinuxPR: MMC Networks, a wholly owned subsidiary of Applied Micro Circuits
Corp. and MontaVista Software have announced a
joint public demonstration of the industry’s first high-speed Internet Protocol router reference design based completely on off-the-shelf network
processing hardware and open-source Linux-based software. This joint
reference design signals a significant advance for the networking industry,
allowing a completely new generation of networking and communications
equipment vendors to bring products to market more rapidly than ever.

ApacheCon Europe 2000: Day 3

Author: JT Smith

ApacheWeek.com reports on the ApacheCon Europe 2000 conference in London. Among the events was a keynote titled “Convincing Management to Embrace Open Software
Development” by Brian Behlendorf, president of the Apache Software Foundation and cofounder
of CollabNet. “He described
open source software is designed and built using the collective wisdom of a group of developers,
with contributions from a large user community. “


  • Open Source

Quintalinux and China Hightech Fund form new investment company

Author: JT Smith

From a press release at Businss Wire: Quintalinux Limited, a leading
technology provider in the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong, offering innovative, high technology solutions for “intelligent
buildings,” interior construction and design, and the Linux market, today announced a memorandum of understanding with China
(Shenzhen) Hightech Fund Investment Company Limited, to jointly form a new investment company with the
objective of making strategic investments in high-tech companies in China — especially those located in the city of Shenzhen.

Sun loosens grip on Java

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet UK reports “Sun is moving to allow wider industry control of the Java programming platform and is trying to assure partners and users that the language will not fragment. While longer-term promises include releasing the technology under an open source licence, in the short term Sun has tweaked its Java Community Process 2.0 to give industry partners more say in the development of the platform.”


  • Open Source

IBM readies Linux suite

Author: JT Smith

Info World follows up on an earlier press release: “Looking to boost Linux development productivity among small businesses, IBM on Monday will formally announce its server-based Small Business Suite for Linux. The suite is packaged with a variety of applications and tools intended to make it easier for users, developers, and integrators to host and create messaging and collaboration solutions, to develop Web sites and manage data.” ZDNet also has the news.


  • Linux

Caldera Names Robert Bench chief financial officer

Author: JT Smith

From Business Wire press release: Caldera Systems Inc.
Friday announced the appointment of Robert Bench to the position of chief financial officer.

Quintalinux involved with new high-tech fund

Author: JT Smith

Business Wire: Quintalinux Limited and the China Hightech Fund Investment Company today announced a memorandum of understanding to jointly form a new investment partnership. The new venture will make strategic investments in high-tech companies in China, focusing on the city of Shenzen, regarded as a technology powerhouse in southern China.