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Program for the LinuxUser Conference in London

Author: JT Smith

LinuxUser.co.uk posts the program for the LinuxUser 2000 Conference, Dec. 5 to 6 at Chelsea Village, London.


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Setuid bits are removed on dump to prevent exploit

Author: JT Smith

The advisory is at LWN.net: The Red Hat 7.0 dump is being released for Red Hat 6.x and Red Hat 5.x
in order to remove root setuid bits to prevent a known dump
exploit (#20111).


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ZDNet acquires AppWatch

Author: JT Smith

The annoucement is at ZDNet, of course: “ZDNet, part of CNet Networks, has just acquired AppWatch, the premiere Free Software and Open Source announcement and download site. AppWatch stands out for two reasons. First, it tracks only currently maintained Free Software and Open Source software projects.”


  • Open Source

IBM’s decision to not use Transmeta chip hurts IPO?

Author: JT Smith

From CBS Marketwatch: “Transmeta’s upcoming initial public offering is
suffering a blow as IBM confirmed that it won’t be using the company’s
Crusoe chip in an upcoming laptop model. ‘It does raise a lot of questions and dampen their
IPO,’ noted IPO analyst Tom Taulli.” The Standard supplies another view.


  • Open Source

KDevelop team to release v.1.3 of C/C++ IDE for Unix

Author: JT Smith

KDE Dot News reports that the KDevelop Team will release version 1.3 of its
C/C++ IDE for UNIX within the next couple of weeks. The new
release has a lot of new features regarding KDE 2 and Qt 2.2
development, particularly a project file generator which creates a project file out of
your existing automake/autoconf project on the fly so you can start working with
KDevelop on your former project within seconds.


  • Unix

VA Linux for the future: New generation of ‘appliances’

Author: JT Smith

OS Opinion has an article about the future of VA Linux: “Clearly, there’s a lot more that could be said about the future of a
company as interesting as VA Linux. What will its IA-64 strategy be?
How will they relate to SGI in the future? But, in order to branch out
into bolder future strategies, VA Linux has to reach profitability in its
core x86 server line. And the fastest way to do that is to offer an
unbeatable mix of strategic vision, automatic customization, and
simplified management that none of the competitors can match.” Disclosure: VA Linux owns NewsForge.


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Review: CorelDraw 9 Graphics Suite for Linux

Author: JT Smith

LinuxPlanet has a review of CorelDraw 9: “Though we’re still not entirely happy with the way CorelDRAW’s programs
perform, there’s no denying that this product fills a useful niche for any
concept of Linux that includes eventual domination (or even just a healthy
share) of non-technical and home desktops.”


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Desperate Dell begging Transmeta for a Crusoe deal

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports that Dell officials keep calling Transmeta’s offices and pleading for the chip maker to return the phone calls.


  • Unix

Long live the OS wars

Author: JT Smith

A ZDNet column talks about the continuing friction between the Linux and Microsoft communities. “The [Microsoft] hack and its aftermath have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the operating system wars are alive and well … The reality is that there is a very vocal constituency — one which includes vendors, customers and press corps members — that is throwing gasoline on the OS wars fire.”


  • Linux

Which distro is running on the 15,000 server Lawson deployment?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxToday reports: “There was an understandable amount of curiosity about which Linux distribution will be powering the
15,000 servers IBM is selling to Japanese convenience store chain Lawson. Reports about the deal from
earlier today, however, said the chain preferred to avoid having the distribution chosen for the
deployment made public knowledge.”


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