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ELSA has begun shipping GLADIAC Ultra card

Author: JT Smith

From PR NewsWire: ELSA has announced the ELSA GLADIAC Ultra 3D graphics accelerator will now ship. Based on the recently
announced GeForce2 Ultra from NVIDIA, ELSA GLADIAC Ultra delivers amazingly realistic rendered images with
stunning lighting effects, textures and speed. Priced at $549 ERP, ELSA GLADIAC Ultra is available at all online and
offline retailers today. The retail version of ELSA GLADIAC Ultra will be standard with 64B of DDR memory, Windows 9X, Windows 2000,
Windows NT and Linux drivers as well as ELSA’s suite of desktop utilities and ELSAmovie 2000, a software DVD

Transmeta: Intel squeezed IBM to dump us

Author: JT Smith

The Register reports: “IBM’s decision to dump its planned Crusoe-based ThinkPad 240
had nothing to do with benchmarks, and everything to do with Intel,
according to sources close to Transmeta. Quanta, which was to
build the machines, was surprised when the project was abruptly
cancelled; one Transmeta partner who declined to be named told
The Register: ‘It was on schedule, fully functional, and IBM were very
happy with it.’ ”


  • Unix

Linux components catching up

Author: JT Smith

The Duke of URL looks at Linux components: “Lately we’ve been seeing faster and faster components emerge, but very little happening in ‘new’ technology. This may not be seen
as a good thing, but it does help the Linux community catch up. Lately, have they ever caught up. It’s getting harder and harder to
find hardware that won’t work on Linux.”


  • Linux

VA Linux execs: Develop Open Source strategy now

Author: JT Smith

eWeek reports on the Software Developers 2000 Conference: VA Linux execs told the crowd that “companies need to develop an open-source strategy if they want faster access to better software.” Disclosure: VA Linux owns NewsForge.


  • Linux

Caldera announces new Linux management solution

Author: JT Smith

From a Business Wire press release:

Caldera Systems Inc. Wednesday announced the new
name of its Linux management solution: Caldera Volution.
The product, currently in open beta, was formerly known by its internal codename “Cosmos,” and is available for download from
Caldera’s Web site at www.calderasystems.com/beta.

Is Free Software the RIAA’s latest victim?

Author: JT Smith

Linux Journal has a long article about the RIAA, Napster, copyright violations, Betamax, and a hoax lawsuit against Open Source startup SuperPimpSoft. ” According to a news bulletin on the home page of SuperPimpSoft, the purveyors of one of the best open-source
newsreaders, the current version (0.9) of the GNOME-compatible program Pan will be the last to include binary decoding
capabilities. The culprit? An RIAA lawsuit.”

Those nagging Open Source details

Author: JT Smith

Upside.com reports on the first Open Source Database Summit: “At a conference where unbridled
optimism was the rule of the day, it was an in-your-face reminder that the
open source community still has a number of little nagging details that continue
to separate it from the commercial software world.” The article mentions a technical problem an employee of VA Linux had with a projector, and here comes the standard disclaimer: VA Linux owns NewsForge.


  • Open Source

Young speaks at Toronto Linux Expo

Author: JT Smith

LWN.net has notes from Mr. Red Hat Bob Young’s keynote speech at the Toronto Linux Expo, day two.


  • Linux

IBM makes developerWorks available to China

Author: JT Smith

From a press release on LWN.net: IBM has made available its “beta” version of
developerWorks China web site to the estimated 1 million Chinese-speaking
software application developers.

The AmigaOne: Back to the future

Author: JT Smith

By Tony Granata
News Editor

“It has taken the rest of the industry 15 years to catch up to Amiga. Now they never will.” That’s the battle cry in the release of Amiga’s first hardware in more than six years, the AmigaOne. Born in 1984 as a subsidiary of Commodore, the Amiga, a computer with what supportes caleld “superior technology” lost out to market leaders Microsoft, Apple and IBM. The Amiga team hopes its new initiative, the AmigaOne can return the company to its once fleeting glory of the mid-late 80’s.

Amiga is hoping this new attempt to get market share will succeed, as the company has developed a new breed of operating system, The Digital Environment (DE) and signed its first partners, and the possibility of a community investment opportunity.


What Amiga is calling an AmigaOne specification was completed three months ago, and dubbed “Zico.” “The Zico specification is our first-generation specification aimed at the desktop and workstation markets. It is a specification and not a product because Amiga is a software company, not a hardware manufacturer,” states the this press release from the Web site. “The ability of the Amiga DE to host itself on multiple hardware and operating system platforms frees the Amiga from hardware dependency and gives our partners and our customers the freedom to chose the hardware that best suits their needs and tastes.”

Companies who partner with Amiga must produce products that meet that minimum specification and also must undergo a rigorous quality and certification processes. Any partner implementing the Zico the certification processes is allowed to sell its product as an AmigaOne,. The Zico specification is as follows:

  • One AmigaDE friendly host processor (PPC, x86, Arm, SH4, MIPS)
  • 64MB+ memory
  • Next Generation Matrox graphics card
  • Creative EMU10K1 based audio card
  • 10 GB+ HD
  • CD/DVD
  • USB 1.0
  • Firewire
  • 10/100 Mbps Ethernet
  • 56k modem
  • 2 Spare PCI slots for expandibility

    The Digital Environment

    Amiga with its partner The Tao Group, Inc., is developing a new breed of operating system that the companies say is “so radical and revolutionary” that it requires a new name: The Digital Environment (DE). It is a scalable, easy-to-use Digital Environment that will foster the creation of content and provide convenient, intuitive features and functions. “Tao has been talking for some time now about our developments to create Digital Heaven and we see Amiga and its community as a fundamental part of the new order that can make it happen and take an industry lead. With the sheer tenacity and the many qualities of McEwen and his Amiga team, the world is going to see Amiga as a Premier Brand for connected digital appliances,” said Francis Charig Chairman of the Tao-Group.

    Amiga’s future lies chiefly in its software, in particular its new Amiga Digital Environment software, which can run as an operating system of its own or atop other operating systems, including Linux and Windows CE. Amiga’s Digital Environment is a central part of the company’s future business partnerships. It will run on everything from handheld computers to multiprocessor servers, Amiga president Bill McEwen said in a meeting in Australia last month. “We can run 100 processors on a box.”

    Amiga’s Digital Environment software will also run on other CPUs, from Intel, to Hitachi
    to MIPS, according to Amiga. “The ability of the Amiga Digital Environment to host itself on multiple hardware and operating system platforms frees us from hardware dependency and gives our customers the freedom to choose the hardware that best suits their needs and tastes,” McEwen said.

    Features of The Digital Environment include: “Write Once – Run Everywhere”– The new Amiga is being designed to present developers with unprecedented options and flexibility. Scalability – The new Amiga DE is less than 5 megabytes and can fit on a cell phone and scale up to multi-processor servers. Content Creation Through Software Development – The new Amiga is 100% binary compatible across all platforms supported. This means that an application can truly be written one time and can operate in hosted environments (running on top of or through another OS) such as Windows, Windows NT, Linux, Windows CE, Palm, Epoc, OS/9, iTron, QNX, VXWorks, and others. Amiga developers are able to use Java, C, C++, or Amiga VP Assembler in creating their applications.

    The Amiga Software Development Kit (SDK) 1.01 is the first step to creating applications that are indifferent to the underlying hardware or software platform and is available for Linux or Microsoft Windows. You can order the software at http://www.amiga.com/products/SDK.shtml.


    Amiga’s first, and main, partner company is The Eyetech Group Ltd, of Stokesley, U.K.The Eyetech Group Ltd. already has an excellent reputation in the Amiga community. They have done much to keep the classic Amiga alive during the last five years, and Amiga feel that in the creation
    of the first new Amiga machines and the transitioning from the classic to the next wave, that experience will prove invaluable.

    Alan Redhouse, Managing Director of UK-based Eyetech commented: “I am delighted that Eyetech has been chosen as Amiga’s partner to help UK companies and individuals take advantage of porting and developing applications under the new Amiga Operating Environment. We will of course continue to service and support Classic Amiga users Worldwide”.

    Fleecy Moss, Chief Technology Officer, Amiga Inc added: “After talks with the hardware development staff of several companies I am convinced that working with Eyetech will allow us to offer an elegant solution that gives both an excellent level of backward compatibility and a powerful basis for the new Amiga Digital Environment. Top of our requirements list was to ensure that those Amigans who have spent considerable money in staying with the Amiga would not be left out in the cold. Whilst you can’t please all of the people all of the time, we think we have come up with a set of products and solutions that will put a smile on as many faces as possible.”

    Products developed through this partnership include:

    The AmigaOne PPC 1200 – a solution that allows Classic Amiga users to bring their existing classic A1200 into the future, while also giving them the benefits of the Amiga Digital Environment
    The AmigaOne PPC 4000 – a solution that gives Classic Amiga users a route to the Amiga Digital Environment for the classic A4000

    Further Amiga strategic partnerships and relationships can be found at the companies Press Release page. A short list of these companies include Red Hat, Infomedia, and Matrox.

    Bringing it all together

    With a new product, a new breed of operating system, The Digital Environment, and established partnerships with companies like Eyetech, Amiga seems to be on the right path towards success. One last caveat the company is considering, community investment.

    In a recent Executive Update McEwen said he’s considering selling shares in the company, potentially letting outside investors own as much as 10 percent of the company stock. “We are looking for no less than $250 per investment,” McEwen said. “If you are interested, please send an email message along with the dollar amount that you would be interested in investing.”

    For more information on the AmigaOne, its products, partnerships, or investment opportunities, visit the company website.