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ApacheCon Europe 2000: Days 1 and 2

Author: JT Smith

Apacheweek brings us day 1 and day 2 of ApacheCon Europe 2000. “This is the first of a two-part special edition of Apache Week covering the ApacheCon Europe 2000 conference in London. This week Apache Week writer Min Min Tsan gives her views of the conference and surrounding events. Next week we will look at the events of the final day of the conference along with a special competition.


  • Open Source

MS hacking scandal: details of stolen items

Author: JT Smith

The Register has a detailed list of some of the items stolen by the Microsoft Hackers, including the valuable source code to MS Bob. Warning: This is humor, not an actual list.


  • Management

PythonLabs moves to Digital Creations from BeOpen

Author: JT Smith

The move of the Python team is being covered by Slashdot. The Python group will be working with the same company (Digital Creations) which sponsors work on Zope. LWN has a letter from Guido van Rossum explaining more.


  • Open Source

ApacheCon 2000 EU: Security Solutions with SSL

Author: JT Smith

The slide-set of my presentation “Security Solutions with SSL” which I gave at ApacheCon 2000/EU in London last Monday is available online. Check it out if you have not attended ApacheCon
but if you are nevertheless interested in Apache and SSL. A PNG-capable browser is required to view.
– Submitted by Ralf S. Engelschall


  • Linux

My fridge called my air conditioner!

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet has a story documenting the addition of two new industry acronyms. A2B and A2B2C stand for Appliance to Business and Appliance to Business to Consumer, respectively. The idea behind the protocol is connecting more to the internet which could extend to refridgerators and other household appliances not generally thought of as network-ready.


  • Protocols

Wireless networking where wired networking was years ago

Author: JT Smith

ABC News comments on the progress of wireless networking, discussing who is doing what, and what to expect.


  • Unix

The history of the hack

Author: JT Smith

The BBC covers the history of the hack, from its beginnings at MIT to its current stigma.


  • Linux

NSA to seek bids for $5 billion upgrade contract

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet says the NSA will soon be looking for bids on a contract to upgrade it’s non-secret systems, estimated to be worth up to $5 billion.

Humor: Microsoft announces ‘release’ of source code

Author: JT Smith

From the humor site, Segfault: “In a surprise press conference made this Friday evening Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that Microsoft will be
releasing the source code for the upcoming Windows operating system dubbed Whistler.

‘We have already begun work on the project, and have for the past three months collaborated with a small company of
enterprising young programmers from Russia,’ said Ballmer in an impromptu press conference. Ballmer appeared visibly
shaken throughout the press conference, and several times made references to how ‘skillful the Russian programmers
were’, and how Microsoft ‘[didn’t] want to do anything to threaten [their] relationship with them.’ “


  • Management

Tips on reiserfs

Author: JT Smith

Linux World offers a column on tips on reiserfs: “I decided to live dangerously last week and create a couple of reiserfs partitions on my primary Linux server. Reiserfs is a
journaling file system that is purportedly more efficient at handling many small files than the de facto standard ext2fs file system
and just as efficient as ext2fs in other cases.”


  • Unix