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Stratabase releases new open-source CRM

Author: JT Smith

“We are delighted to be the first public company dedicated solely to the
creation and support of Open-Source CRM software,” said Trevor Newton,
Founder & CEO, Stratabase. Internet Wire reports, Stratabase’s Open-Source CRM software can be used for several aspects of
enterprise marketing automation, including outbound email-based
communications and customer support.


  • Open Source

Sensiva for Linux PR1

Author: JT Smith

32bitsOnline reviews
Sensiva for Linux.


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Why buy an Indrema console?

Author: JT Smith

All Linux Devices presents, the top ten reasons to save your money and buy an Indrema console, from Indrema’s publicists.

Predict the future by inventing it

Author: JT Smith

Rallying the faithful at ApacheCon Europe last night, Douglas Adams —
legendary author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy — told an
audience of 300 that the best way to predict the future is to invent it, reports Apache Today, and
that those in Apache community were on the cutting edge of creativity and


  • Open Source

Don’t let McCain censor the Net

Author: JT Smith

Salon News proclaims, new legislation that would require the use of filtering software
by public libraries is unnecessary and unconstitutional.

DB2 for Linux supports clusters – try it for free!

Author: JT Smith

UDB Enterprise-Extended Edition (EEE) can exploit symmetric multiprocessors (SMP), clustered SMP,
and massively parallel processors (MPP) on platforms as diverse as Microsoft Windows NT, IBM AIX*,
HP-UX, NUMA-Q, Sun Solaris and now on Linux. IBM.com offers the download for free.

Linux gets down to business

Author: JT Smith

The good news for businesses considering implementing Linux is that it continues to evolve and
has wide support among independent developers, distributors, and value-added resellers, but, according to CNET News, that’s
also the bad news.


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Best Linux 2000 R3 with KDE 2.0 released

Author: JT Smith

The new release of
Best Linux includes, in addition to many other improvements, support for the
Portuguese language, improved sound card support, modem configuration,
and the brand new KDE 2.0, from Linux PR.

Users vent complaints about Oracle application upgrade

Author: JT Smith

Several attendees of the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) said they had received notices of about 5,000 patches that Oracle has released for 11i, reports Computerworld on NetworkWorldFusion News
The software “is not ready for prime time,” said
Donna Rosenstrater, an OAUG board member who
works at San Jose-based electronics contract
manufacturer Sanmina Corp. A lot more cleanup
work is required before many users can safely go live
with the new applications, she added.

Hollywood vs. the cracker

Author: JT Smith

New York Magazine profiles Emmanuel Goldstein, the editor, activist, and sometime
cult figure at the helm of the sixteen-year-old
hacker journal 2600: The Hacker Quarterly.


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