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Trolltech releases Open Source localization tool

Author: JT Smith

From a press release at LinuxPR: “Trolltech released today a fully functional preview of Qt Linguist, an
application translation system under the open source BSD license. Qt Linguist
works in conjunction with Qt, Trolltech’s cross-platform GUI application
framework, to translate applications.

Qt Linguist, localization tool, allows users to seamlessly convert Qt-based
programs from one language to another.”

KDE revs up its Linux desktop

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet follows up on the KDE announcement of its 2.0 release: “The KDE Team has released the long-awaited Version 2.0 of the K Desktop Environment. The K Desktop Environment 2.0 product, aka Kopernicus, is designed to make Linux and Unix desktops easier to use.”


  • Linux

Medicine needs Open Source software

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss a British Medical Journal article advocating Open Source software: “Free software facilitates the provision of common software components. As well as the saving on licence fees, it allows software
engineers to concentrate on the important part of system development: customising components for the organisation that they serve.”


  • Open Source

openCOLA releases current build

Author: JT Smith

As a challenge to the Open Source community, openCOLA has released the current build of openCOLA, the protocol, a collaborative computing application. While the code is in an early stage, it is quite well annotated. openCOLA is an autonomous and collaborative agent that collects, analyzes, and delivers dynamic content. Inputs can be set to cull the Web, Usenet, your e-mail, and other Internet information resources. Outputs can be set to post relevant results to the Web, Wireless devices, and PDAs, among others. openCOLA is an Open Source development shop working in the area of distributed computing and peer-to-peer exchange with offices in San Francisco and Toronto. Note: for hard-core developers only. Download now from www.opencola.com.

— Submitted by openCOLA

Running Windows apps under Linux

Author: JT Smith

In-depth tips on using Wine, Win4Lin, and VMware,
and touches on Bochs, LinuxWorld states, “you can have your cake and eat it, too, with Windows
apps running on Linux.”


  • Linux

Interview with Todd Bradley

Author: JT Smith

IT world interview with Todd Bradley, director of support services for Jabber.com, talks with forum
members about instant messaging, Jabber Tcl, open standards, and more.

MontaVista announces support service for DevelopOnline.com users

Author: JT Smith

In a combined push to bring
more Web-enabled electronic devices to market faster, MontaVista, a
leading provider of the Linux operating system, will offer 30-day support
services to users of DevelopOnline, an online product development center, from All LInux Devices.

Sun says Java moving towards full open source

Author: JT Smith

Sun Microsystems is moving toward making its Java technology fully open source, a company executive said Tuesday, addressing an audience of programmers here at ApacheCon Europe 2000, reports IDG News Service on InfoWorld.


  • Open Source

Getting hitched

Author: JT Smith

Linux.com states “For months, the Intel-Rambus relationship has been a hot topic in the
computer arena. Rambus’ serial-bus memory technology began
promisingly, but hasn’t been a strong performer. High production costs and
a lack of acceptance by the industry made many question Intel’s judgment
in agreeing to this partnership.”


  • Unix

Red Hat powers 3com’s upcoming Kerbango Internet radio

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat, Inc., today announced that the Internet
Audio Division of 3Com Corporation, uses Red Hat
Linux to power its Web and database servers, reports All Linux Devices. These servers power the
Kerbango Tuning Service–the heart of 3Com’s forthcoming Kerbango
Internet Radio, which will provide easy access to thousands of worldwide
Internet audio streams without a personal computer.