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SuSE goes Korean

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR is reporting on SuSE opening SuSE Korea and catapulting itself into the Asian market.


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MP3 author Brandenburg honored in Germany

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot is carrying a discussion of a German Yahoo news article saying that the developer responsible for MP3 has been honored in Germany.

European Union prepares to adopt “.eu” TLD

Author: JT Smith

NW Fusion reports that the European Union is preparing to adopt the “.eu” top level domain for European continental sites.

Sun’s Full Moon server software coming Dec. 5

Author: JT Smith

CNet has a story on Sun Microsystems’ new Full Moon server software to be released Dec. 5, including information on competitiors Red Hat and Compaq’s UnixWare.

How does Stackless Python fit in?

Author: JT Smith

OReillynet.com looks at how Stackless Python will fit into Python’s future. “Stackless’ fans argue that its inclusion is an easy choice. Stackless Python is
faster, more capable, and mature, because it’s been used for many months in
‘mission-critical’ applications already in production. A change to stacklessness is a
‘pure win,’ with no significant costs.”

Device profile: Nokia Media Terminal

Author: JT Smith

LinuxDevices.com has a review of the Nokia Media Terminal: “Nokia describes its Media Terminal as a powerful ‘infotainment center’ for the home, which
allows consumers to gain the benefits of both Internet access and digital broadcasting.” It works on open technologies including Linux, Mozilla, and HTML.


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Linux in the enterprise server space

Author: JT Smith

LinuxWorld.com.au looks at Linux distributions
“targeted toward stand-alone, enterprise server installations to
assess whether companies selling this packaged open source
code are coupling it with the tools and services necessary for
enterprise server use.”


  • Linux

Update of LSB testing processes

Author: JT Smith

The announcement is posted on LWN.net: “The first milestone for LSB test development is now complete. This has
been in setting up the test framework for integrating tests into. The
framework adopted is the Test Environment Toolkit, with the VSXgen
(generic VSX test framework) layered on top of that. As proof of concept
the first testsets, the LSB-VSX and LSB-FHS testsets have been integrated
into the framework.”

Codemesh porting JunC++ion to UNIX

Author: JT Smith

From a press release on BusinessWire: Codemesh is porting its
JunC++ion product to several UNIX platforms. Soon, UNIX programmers will be able to use this patent pending
technology to get Java and C++ programs to work together in one process.

Programming GNOME applications in Perl

Author: JT Smith

Perl.com has an article about programming GNOME applications in Perl. You can “create really neat applications,” but there’s no documentation available.