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Vendors showcase wireless wares

Author: JT Smith

Members of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association are showcasing their wireless products in California, says NW Fusion.


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FBI’s Carnivore more then email snooping

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet discusses declassified documents indicating that the FBI’s Carnivore e-mail snooping programme may be more then its name would imply.

Napster playing dumb

Author: JT Smith

The Standard cites experts who say Napster is playing dumb, that it knows who is sharing what with who and just isn’t willing to tell anyone.

Linuxcare takes on new customers

Author: JT Smith

BusinessWire via NewsAlert has a press release on Linuxcare’s latest customer, Tricord Systems.


  • Open Source

Open Sourced StarOffice: bigger, not necessarily better

Author: JT Smith

A ZDNet review says the release of the StarOffice code isn’t as big of a deal as some people are making it. “Think of it this way: OpenOffice is to StarOffice what Mozilla is to Communicator.”


  • Open Source

Taken by Storm

Author: JT Smith

“In spite of a painful first install attempt, the flames of the Debian faithful, and a run of
bad luck with CDs that borders on creepy, a Linux World columnist is back this week with another Debian
install, Storm Linux 2000.”


  • Linux

Building a cheap Linux box

Author: JT Smith

RootPrompt.org has a ton of advice on building a good, cheap Linux machine. “You need to decide on the chipset/processor combination and then pick a motherboard with the
layout you need. I would like to be impartial, but it is always a good idea to stay away from Intel:
From Fall 1997 to Spring 2000, people witnessed recalls of pentiums due to ‘F0 0F’ pentium
bug, dropped L2 cache on original Celerons…”


  • Unix

LyX Development News for Oct. 18

Author: JT Smith

It’s at LyX.org: “After 1.1.6 we will change the numbering scheme slightly so that hard
working system administrators won’t have to wonder what the fix suffix
stands for. They seem happy enough with something cryptic like the pl suffix
used by some projects but complain about fix. Oh well!”


  • Open Source

Coventive Technologies partners with Access Co.

Author: JT Smith

The press release is at LinuxPR: Access Co., Ltd and Coventive Technologies announced
a joint solution that targets the surging information appliance market. The
partnership will gear to target the IA manufacturers in Asia for hand-held
browsers, PDAs, web phones, set-top boxes and many other information

Seminar ponders computer equipment as fashion statement

Author: JT Smith

Cox News Service features the Fourth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, including mention of a 44-gram wristwatch computer and communicator under
development by IBM, able to compute using the Linux operating
system, employing a 100 mhz microprocessor and a 1 gigabyte data
storage capacity. Slashdot has more.


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