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Security update to ping

Author: JT Smith

LWN.net has the advisory: Several problems in ping are fixed:
1) Root privileges are dropped after acquiring a raw socket.
2) An 8 byte overflow of a static buffer “outpack” is prevented.
3) An overflow of a static buffer “buf” is prevented.


  • Linux

Inserting Linux wherever they can

Author: JT Smith

SignalGround has a feature on a company’s employees working Linux into use there. “The company that employs Tom and me builds big pieces of food processing
machinery that cost upwards of $400K. Each machine includes an embedded
PCs running — and I cringe — NT 4. While the company’s legacy currently
dictates NT, those of us at the lower levels of the totem pole work to wedge
Linux in wherever we can. What follows is a short story of a successful
insertion that turned out to be (gasp!) financially beneficial to the company,


  • Linux

Paradox Entertainment enters Linux market with Europa

Author: JT Smith

Paradox Entertainment has licensed the Canadian
developer Tribsoft the right to convert the acclaimed historical game Europa
Universalis to Linux. Tribsoft Inc. will cooperate with Hyperion
Entertainment on the Mac and Amiga version. The press release is at LinuxPR.

This old PC: Put your dinosaur machine to work

Author: JT Smith

The Dallas Morning News has a feature on turning your old PC into something useful, including a Linux learning box for students. “The graphical desktop of XWindows provides a friendlier interface than
the lean, traditional text-only Linux mode, but it requires more hard disk

For children who show programming promise, that old PC can be the
ticket to a bright, productive future.

The North Texas Linux Users Group (www.ntlug.org) conducts free
clinics for beginners, and help is always available in the open-source
world online.”


  • Linux

Highlights of Atlanta (Annual) Linux Showcase

Author: JT Smith

Linux Journal gives us a postmortum on ALS: “None of Larry Wall’s aquarium fish fluoresce under ultraviolet light. That’s the kind of possibly useful and definitely serindipitous
information you pick up at the Atlanta (now Annual) Linux Showcase, which, for some reason, will be in Oakland next year.”


  • Linux

Zope Weekly News released

Author: JT Smith

It’s posted at LWN.net and features the new PTK Release, Zope Book gets feedback, how to control access on a
basis, WriteLocking proposal, XHTMLTemplate and HiperDOM,
membership, and docs get organized on Zope.org.


  • Open Source

Security update to ypbind and ypclient

Author: JT Smith

LWN.net has the advisory: Security problems have been found in the client code of the NIS
(Network Information System, aka yp – yellow pages) subsytem.
SuSE distributions before SuSE-6.1 came with the original ypbind
program, SuSE-6.2 and later included the ypbind-mt NIS client


  • Linux

WAP company joins forces with Sun Wah Linux

Author: JT Smith

From a press release at LinuxPR: EdgeMatrix, an Asian technology
company specializing in multichannel enablement, has announced their
partnership with the Sun Wah Linux to bundle their software
packages for the Hong Kong market.

Hall explains the allure of Linux

Author: JT Smith

The Jerusalem Post features Jon “maddog” Hall in an article that explains what Linux is. Hall explains why programmers contribute to Linux: “Why do amateur painters paint? They go out with their
easel and brush, and paint, hoping it is going to turn out
to be beautiful. Do they then take that painting and lock it
in a closet? No, they put it up on their wall because they
want people to see it — to have judges look at it and say,
that is wonderful but if you put the paints a little different
you could make the water seem more lifelike. Then they
can take it down and start again, or improve it.”


  • Linux

Inside the world of a ‘hactivist’

Author: JT Smith

IDG News Service paints a strange picture of a “hactivist”: “Yetzer’s a hacker and an acknowledged “social engineer” with curious nocturnal
habits. There are thousands of people like him, who by day are system and
network administrators, security analysts and start-up co-founders. When night
comes, they transform into vampire wanna-bes, hedonists, Goths,
cross-dressers and sadomasochists.”


  • Linux