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How wireless LANs work with Linux

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers talk about a DukeOfURL story about how wireless LANs work with Linux.


  • Linux

Bootable game CD ROMs using Linux

Author: JT Smith

Slashdotters discuss a report that Yamamori Takenori
has translated his “Linux CD-ROM Game System” to English. It’s a step-by-step
demonstration of how to burn a game, and just the necessary parts of Linux,
onto a PC-bootable CD ROM.

DefCon: Optimism bordering on cockeyed

Author: JT Smith

Feedmag.com features the DefCon get-together in Las Vegas: “Is it possible that hackers — long derided as antisocial geeks bent on causing havoc — are actually the last of the true, democratic optimists?”


  • Linux

SuSE Linux forms joint venture in South Korea

Author: JT Smith

German open-source operating system vendor SuSE Linux announced
Tuesday it is entering the South Korean market by establishing a joint
venture with Seoul-based Information Network Center, from IDG News Service.

LinuxWizardry announces strategic alliance with sangoma.com

Author: JT Smith

According to Business Wire, Sangoma.com will market the ADSL Apprentice router to its current customers and
through its current channels. LinuxWizardry will use Sangoma’s S514 Data communications card in its
upcoming T1/E1/Frame Relay version of the Apprentice Router.

Anti-cracking squads could help corporates

Author: JT Smith

vnenet News is reporting, Gartner has called on enterprises to consider establishing
specialist internal anti-cracking teams who would have wide
ranging powers to defend against internet attacks.


  • Linux

Show us the code

Author: JT Smith

Open letter from Eric S. Raymond to Carly Fiorina and HP, offered at Linux Today.


  • Open Source

Cyberlore’s Majesty being ported to Linux

Author: JT Smith

Linux PR reports, Tribsoft announced that work has begun to bring the game Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim to Linux.

Merlin Software’s PerfectBACKUP+ v7.0 Beta for Red Hat

Author: JT Smith

Business Wire:
Merlin Software Technologies International Inc., a leading developer of Linux based software applications and utilities today announced the release of
PerfectBACKUP+ v7.0 Beta release for RedHat 6.2 and 7.0.

Valiosys offers transistor-level checker

Author: JT Smith

Valiosys Inc., a French
formal-verification startup, has announced the availability
of TraLaLa, a transistor-level analysis and logic
abstraction tool that generates HDL descriptions from
transistor-level netlists, reports EETimes News. TraLaLa is available today on Sun and Linux platforms.