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23,000 web sites left open

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reports that Mindspring may have left 23,000 web sites open to attack, by leaving a password-containing file in a bad place.


  • Linux

Republicans and censorship

Author: JT Smith

MSNBC warns about George W. Bush’s policy of required censorship for schools which receive federal funding for their computer systems.

Humor: Girlfriend left me because of KDE?

Author: JT Smith

A question posed to humor site Segfault’s Answer Guy: “I have a problem. I use KDE on my desktop and my girlfriend uses GNOME. When she found out about KDE she
left me. What should I do to bring her back? I tried to install GNOME but she didnt return.”


  • Management

Linux machine bridges the globe’s digital divide

Author: JT Smith

MSNBC reports on the “Simputer,” a palm-sized Linux-based device that a company in India hopes will bring the Internet to the 95 percent of the world’s population who’ve never logged on.


  • Unix

TeamLinux announces $1 million credit agreement

Author: JT Smith

The press release is at BusinessWire: TeamLinux Corporation and Silicon Valley Bank have announced that Silicon Valley Bank has provided TeamLinux with a $1 million line of credit to support its accelerating growth.
TeamLinux Corporation provides web-enabled products, maintenance and professional services in
heterogeneous environments enabled by Linux and other open source technology.

Judge Patel and Napster: We meet again

Author: JT Smith

The Standard reports on what may be bad news for Napster: “Napster, the contentious online
music-swapping service, will face the same
judge who ordered an injunction against it
when lawsuits brought by heavy metal
group Metallica and rap star Dr. Dre

Judges at a Los Angeles federal court
ordered the cases transferred to U.S.
District Court Judge Marilyn Hall Patel in
San Francisco on Monday.”

Transmeta chip not breaking any speed records

Author: JT Smith

Wired.com says early benchmark tests have Transmeta’s Crusoe chip not winning any races: “Sony and NEC launched the first notebooks based on Transmeta’s revolutionary
new Crusoe chip, but preliminary benchmark scores seem to indicate the
much-ballyhooed chips are no speed demons.”


  • Unix

MP3Board case moves to New York

Author: JT Smith

CNet reports: “While file-trading paragon Napster waits in court and rival Scour seeks bankruptcy
protection, another potentially landmark online music case is moving toward resolution.

MP3Board.com, which is being sued by the record industry for allegedly linking to unauthorized copies
of music files online, has seen part of its myriad associate lawsuits bundled together in New York.”

OpenSales AllCommerce 1.0.2: E-commerce in a box

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reviews OpenSales AllCommerce product, saying it “lets you put up a store with virtually no start-up software costs. A freely distributed open-source solution, this program truly surprised us with its maturity.”

Kun joins Newlix as vp for product development

Author: JT Smith

Newlix Corp. has announced
the hiring of Nortel veteran Randy Kun as vice president of product
development. He brings 18 years of
progressively responsible experience at Nortel Networks to the task of
product development at Newlix. In addition to product lines and marketing,
he managed a team of 50 people responsible for integrating Nortel’s
flagship switching products. Press release at Linux PR.