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Faure does the dirty work on KDE

Author: JT Smith

KDE.org interviews developer David Faure from MandrakeSoft: “(I’m) doing the dirty job :). Fixing bugs everywhere I can, helping users and developers that
have problems. I also work on some Mandrake-specific KDE stuff. Oh, and when I have
time after all this, I work on improving konqueror and I plan to do more on koffice in the


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Penguinista DSL project is back

Author: JT Smith

GeekCast.Com is back and it is coming out of the box with a revised
“Penguinista DSL Project.” The new program uses new FCC Rulings to
solve the problems associated with DSL installations, and develops funds for
good causes to boot. The press release is at Linux PR.

Will app specs achieve what Unix didn’t?

Author: JT Smith

From LinuxToday.com.au: “Now, with the admirable goal of learning from history’s mistakes, the Free
Standards Group has announced the first iteration of its Linux Development
Platform Specification (LDPS). The basic plan is to have a commonly agreed
standard so that Linux application developers can write code that will run on all
major distributions without modification.”


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ISPs ordered to reveal customers’ identities

Author: JT Smith

From The Associated Press: “In a ruling that challenges online anonymity, a Florida appeals court declared Monday
that Internet service providers must divulge the identities of people who post defamatory
messages on the Internet.

Critics of the ruling say it could have a chilling effect on free expression in Internet chat rooms.”


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New RedFlag Linux shareholder to drive homegrown OS development

Author: JT Smith

From Linux PR:
Sun Wah Hi-Tech Group
has announced in Shenzhen it has become a strategic shareholder of
RedFlag Software Co. Ltd. to promote the homegrown
software and OS industry internationally.

Success drives delays in the 2.4 kernel release?

Author: JT Smith

eWeek says the successes of Linux, not its failures, may have contributed to several delays in the 2.4 kernel, which may not be ready this year.


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Unix used to map the universe

Author: JT Smith

Fairfax IT reports that Students at Swinburne’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing have constructed an interactive map of the universe in just three months, using a Compaq supercomputer running Unix.


  • Unix

Sony launches Crusoe-based laptop

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet reports on Sony’s release of its VAIO laptop, powered by the Transmeta Crusoe chip. The Register compares the VAIO to an iMac, saying its aimed at “laptop fashion victims.”


  • Unix

New version of OPP C++ class library released

Author: JT Smith

OPP Version 0.2.5 features vastly improved thread and internet components,
freely available under the terms of the GNU LGPL (Library GNU Public
License), according to a press release at Linux PR.

Security update to traceroute

Author: JT Smith

The advisory is at LWN.net: “The security problem in the traceroute program as shipped with SuSE
Linux distributions is completely different from the one reported on
security mailing lists a few days ago (`traceroute -g 1 -g 1′) by
Pekka Savola . SuSE distributions do not contain
this particular traceroute implementation.
The problem in our traceroute was discovered independently and reported
to us by H D Moore . The problem in the
implementation of traceroute that we ship is a format string parsing
bug in a routine that can be used to terminate a line in traceroute’s
output to easily embed the program in cgi scripts as used for web
frontends for traceroute.” Here’s an update.


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