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Vianet launches power zoom image enhancement technology for e-Commerce

Author: JT Smith

PRNewswire: Based on the Redhat Linux 6.2 operating system (OS), the Power Zoom server
application ensures greater reliability and service for Internet shoppers,
with the ability to handle thousands of simultaneous image requests on a
mid-priced Intel-based server.

Corel’s Linux VP on the Microsoft deal

Author: JT Smith

LinuxWorld managed to collar Rene Schmidt, executive VP of Corel’s Linux product group,
and ask him a few questions about the impact of the announced investment by Microsoft in
Corel on Corel’s Linux plans.


  • Linux

Unix giants flex pricing

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet UK News reports,
Bull last week followed Hewlett-Packard and IBM by announcing
that its new Escala Unix servers will be available with prices based
on the workload supported.


  • Unix

Tuxtops software makes network config easy

Author: JT Smith

Today Tuxtops sells laptops pre-configured with your favorite Linux OS. Last week the company
released software that does it for you, but it’s what it plans on doing tomorrow that will make you
giddy, reports Maximum Linux.


  • Linux

SGI may sell off low-end

Author: JT Smith

SGI did not say which assets it will dispose of, ZDNet UK News reports, analysts predicted
that the low-end Windows NT and Linux workstation businesses
are likely candidates.


  • Linux

Commission urges more cops in cyberspace

Author: JT Smith

The Associated Press on CNN.com News reports,
local and federal governments need to spend
significantly more money to train police and prosecutors to hunt down Internet
predators in cyberspace and shut down Web sites containing child pornography, a
congressional commission recommends.

Weekly Security Tools Digest

Author: JT Smith

SecurityPortal offers this document which is a summary of changes to free security tools over the last week, 10/06/2000 to 10/12/2000.


  • Linux

IBM steps up pace for Unix

Author: JT Smith

IBM takes rivalry with Sun up another notch with Condor follow-up, reports ZDNet UK News.


  • Unix

FreeBSD security advisory

Author: JT Smith

FreeBSD-SA-00:54.fingerd allows remote reading of filesystem warns BSD Today.


  • Linux

It’s not easy being Red Hat

Author: JT Smith

Nobody said leading the paradigm shift would be easy, reports Upside Today News, but judging by
recent PR problems, Linux distribution leader Red Hat, based
in Durham, N.C., is lending a whole new meaning to the term “bleeding


  • Linux