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Nobel prize honors three fathers of the Internet

Author: JT Smith

Jack Kilby of TI, who invented the integrated circuit, and Professor Herbert
Kroemer of the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), who devised
semiconductor heterostructures, won the physics prize this week. The Royal Swedish
Academy of Sciences also conferred a physics prize on Russian Zhores I. Alferov,
who worked in parallel but separately from Kroemer on heterostructures. From eeTimes.com.


  • Linux

Microsoft opens testing lab for online retailers

Author: JT Smith

Nando Times reports that Microsoft Corp. opened a new technology center Thursday designed to allow
online retailers and other dot-coms to design and test a variety of tools.

Canada torches all .ca domain names – owners must reapply

Author: JT Smith

Canada has come with a novel way of dealing with URL disputes. From
1 November it has decided to tear up all its country’s domain names and
start again. We thought someone was having a laugh when they
informed us the new non-profit organisation set up to deal with .ca
domains, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority, had decided to
make everyone reapply for their URLs. From The Register.

Cultures PC game is USA bound

Author: JT Smith

According to the Daily Radar, until now there were uncertainties as to whether the
build-your-own-civilization game Cultures, developed by
German-based Funatics, would hit American shores. A
THQ spokesperson has assured FGN Online that “it will
be published over there [America] but it is not decided
yet whether THQ will be publishing it.”

Burglars try to sell goods back to owners online

Author: JT Smith

TheBurglar.com lets burglars anonymously
contact their victims by e-mail and negotiate
a price for the return of their stolen property. From ZDNET.

ALS: the buzz from the show floor

Author: JT Smith

While not so vast as the LinuxWorld Expo, the Fourth Annual Linux Showcase’s floor is all a-buzz with upcoming
events and goings on. MaximumLinux reports.


  • Linux

ALS: Forget plan “B” – give me plan “9”

Author: JT Smith

From MaximumLinux: While vendors show off their wares and boast great things surrounding Linux, someone else is travelling the floor
showing off a different OS. Plan 9 is another “alternative OS” which, if Vita Nuova has its way, will be the OS of
the future.


  • Open Source

Tutorial: mounting network file systems the easy way

Author: JT Smith

NFS, or Network File System, is a technology that was introduced into the Unix world by Sun Microsystems. It allows a
computer to mount a remote filesystem as if it were a local filesystem. The mounting of a remote filesystem can be useful
in many ways. From LinuxWorld.


  • Linux

New FreeBSD Core Team elected

Author: JT Smith

bsdtoday.com report says, “A new core team has been elected for FreeBSD. Its main responsibility is recruiting developers.”


  • Unix

Government (SEC) filing hints at Microsoft’s Linux plans

Author: JT Smith

“As part of its $135 million investment in ailing software maker Corel, announced last week, Microsoft has secured an avenue for
translating key parts of its recently announced .Net’ software architecture for the Linux operating system,” says CNet.