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Linksys GigaDrive

Author: JT Smith

Maximum Linux has a review of the Linksys GigaDrive, and how it can be made to interoperate with Linux.


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Review of Storm Linux

Author: JT Smith

A review of Storm Linux 2000 has been posted at Maximum Linux. “f you’re itching to brew up something special in your Linux box, try this on for size.


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The open source conundrum

Author: JT Smith

In Open Source vs. Closed Source, who will win? That’s what BeOSCentral asks in this feature.


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Open Source: Is it safe?

Author: JT Smith

Linuxdev.net asks a question heard many times before — is Open Source secure?


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Suneido — new Open Source language & database

Author: JT Smith

Suneido is a free, open source, integrated object-oriented language, client-server relational database, and application framework written in C++. It is a small, simple, effective solution for creating, deploying, and maintaining information systems. Although currently only available for Windows, a Linux version is planned. Download the executable and source code for the current 0.9 version from www.suneido.com. Suneido Software welcomes the participation of the open source community in this project.
Submitted by Andrew McKinlay.

Getting non-geeks to think about the DeCSS case?

Author: JT Smith

Technocrat asked the question: How do we get non-geeks thinking about DeCSS? “Few weeks ago I was invited to a birthday party. The present we brought with us was a movie on a DVD disc. Because of my views on the DeCSS case I decided to use the opportunity to get the non-geeks at the party (everyone except me) to think about the free-speech issues related to DVD and the DeCSS case.

Securing a default Linux installation

Author: JT Smith

This article (at net-security.org) is written for a linux newbie or anybody who cares, at least a bit about the data stored on his hard drive. You’ll notice that it’s aimed mainly for home-users, not for large network administrators or similar. All procedures have been done and checked on an installed SuSE 6.4 linux distribution. Mirko Zorz


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Got more money than brains? Pay someone to think for you

Author: JT Smith

In the vein of sites like QuestionExchange and Expert Central, there’s a new site called IdeaExchange that lets people sell their intellectual property to the highest bidder. From ZDNET.

Linux4us starts RealTimeBattle contest

Author: JT Smith

Linux4us has started its RealTimeBattle contest. From now on, you are able to subscribe, and a RTB league is planned. Every team gets its own little information page. The winners get prizes. To subscribe, visit Linux4us (it’s near the middle of the page). And to get more information, visit RTB— Submitted by an Anonymous Reader

Linux-Mandrake tmpwatch updated.

Author: JT Smith

LWN has posted the announcement about the recent update of Linux-Mandrake’s tmpwatch package. It is a recommended update that fixes a local denial of service attack.


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