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Linux leader says standard version will emerge

Author: JT Smith

CNET News quotes, “We will figure out a way that we will have a single, more generic distribution that we will all use,”
said Paul Thomas, who in June was named chief executive of TurboLinux.


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Linux customer server

Author: JT Smith

“Linux and other open source/GPL type software and operating systems may be free, they may give freedom, but it’s tough to sell service and materials to go with them if the service and materials aren’t there, or are mis-delivered,” states this osOpinion article.

Sourceforge software installed at Handhelds.org

Author: JT Smith

All Linux Devices announces, SourceForge installed on handhelds.org
is available at http://www.handhelds.org/SourceForge/.


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RackShare expands domain name registration services with Tucows OpenSRS

Author: JT Smith

RackShare, a domain name
registration and web hosting services provider, today announced the immediate
availability of expanded domain name registration services as a Tucows OpenSRS
Registration Service Provider, from PRNewsWire.

Thin client POS system on embedded Linux

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat, a leader in developing, deploying and managing open source Internet infrastructure solutions, has combined with Wincor Nixdorf to bring to market the BEETLE Point-of-Sale systems based on Embedded Linux, from Business Wire.

Torvalds: More delays for Linux

Author: JT Smith

IDG News Service reports, the much-anticipated 2.4 Version of the Linux kernel will take at least another two months to complete, Linus Torvalds, creator of the open source operating system, said Friday. Here’s an updated version of the story.


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IBM eServer brand threatened by startup

Author: JT Smith

Just days afters IBM rebranded its server line under the eServer label, VNUnet is reporting, a small Linux server vendor has claimed it
already owns the name.

BIND 9 now available on Internet software consortium site

Author: JT Smith

Business Wire on NewsAlert: The Internet Software Consortium (ISC) has announced the release
of BIND 9, written by Nominum, Inc. under an ISC outsourcing contract.
BIND, an acronym for Berkeley Internet Name Domain, is the most
commonly used domain name server on the Internet and implements the
Domain Name System (DNS) suite of protocols.

Red Hat, SuSE CEOs: We’re for Linux open source

Author: JT Smith

For-profit companies in the Linux business see an opportunity to make money, but they aren’t interested in monopolizing the market, said the heads of two major distributors of the open source operating system, from InfoWorld News.


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MS-DOJ spar over appeal delays

Author: JT Smith

The DOJ asks for a full court press to keep Microsoft from going into a stall, but, reports ZDNet News, MS says it needs five months to prepare for its appeal.


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