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Mtools: All about floppies

Author: JT Smith

From an article at LinuxLookup.com: “I know almost nobody uses floppies anymore but if you happen to be in a situation where you have to this will help you. I’m talking about the mtools which is usually packed with every distribution of Linux.” — Submitted by an Anonymous Reader.


  • Linux

LinuxDevices.com releases Real-Time Linux Quick Reference Guide

Author: JT Smith

If you want to use Linux as the basis of a real-time application, there are a
great many options you can choose from in order to enhance the real-time
responsiveness of Linux. Given the somewhat bewildering variety of
alternatives, LinuxDevices.com has created the Real-time Linux Quick
Reference Guide, which we hope will assist you in locating Linux-based
solutions that match your system requirements. Read the press release at LinuxPR.

Entera previews beta version of TeraEDGE content delivery server

Author: JT Smith

Entera is currently providing a preview of the beta version of TeraEDGE
Linux, the world’s first commercial content delivery server on the Linux OS
platform. Entera built TeraEDGE with special patented technologies that
allow it to intelligently cache proxy streaming media as well as static content.

Read the press release at LinuxPR.

Apache vs. IIS in server performance

Author: JT Smith

The Slashdot community debates a claim that a Windows 2000 IIS based machine can handle more hits than a Linux 6.2 Apache based machine.


  • Open Source

Jabber announces Instant Messaging certification

Author: JT Smith

Jabber.com, a subsidiary of Webb Interactive
Services, today announced it has reached a
multi-faceted instant messaging (IM) training and certification agreement with
Kaivo, a leading open source solutions provider. The agreement creates the
first Jabber Instant Message Training Program and Certified Developers
Network. Check out the press release at LinuxPR.

Cyberconcepts opens OpenSource Solutions division

Author: JT Smith

Cyberconcepts, Inc. today announced the
opening of OpenSource Solutions (www.opensource-solutions.net ). The
company’s newest division will specialize in supporting the ever-popular
Linux operating system and other free open-source software systems. The press release is at LinuxPR.

New Linux shows promise for heavy-duty business use

Author: JT Smith

Frpm a CNet story: “Linux long has been criticized for not being able to tap into the potential power of large
servers, but programmers have begun taking early steps to push it onto these high-end

The next version of the core of Linux, the 2.4 kernel, is up and running on Sun Microsystems’ top-end
E10000 server with 24 processors, Linuxcare chief technology officer Dave Sifry said today.”


  • Linux

KDE wins community award

Author: JT Smith

KDE Dot News reports that KDE has won the Linux
Community Award 2000 at LWE in Frankfurt, Germany. Pictures are available, including a shot of the KDE team with none
other than Linus himself.

Does Linux get middleware?

Author: JT Smith

From a column at LinuxNews.com: “We think that Middleware is best described as the glue that will bind all components of the
information delivery chain into a single cohesive entity. That definition pragmatically
describes the threat that Middleware will pose to not only Linux but the Open-Source
movement and the very tenet of independent decision-making in the field of IT architecture
development. Domination of Middleware poses the specter of being able to control access
to information delivery, whether it be through a PC, a wristwatch, a hand-held device or a
cell-phone. As the networked delivery of information becomes more mobile, the threat of
Middleware domination grows as well.”

MathSoft introduces S-PLUS(r) 6 for Unix

Author: JT Smith

MathSoft Data
Analysis Division, a provider of solutions for statistical data mining
and predictive modeling technology, today introduced S-PLUS 6 for UNIX,
a major enhancement to the company’s statistical data mining software.
S-PLUS 6 provides a software platform for business intelligence
and decision support applications that leverage state-of-the-art statistical
analysis and visualization methods. The press release is at LinuxPR.