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RIAA chief: Theft is theft

Author: JT Smith

The RIAA’s Hilary Rosen responds to an earlier ZDNet article: “Our concern is with those who consistently and intentionally fail to recognize that theft is theft simply because the method is new and their immediate benefit is great — and then argue that stealing from a successful industry somehow justifies their actions.”

OpenTV claims one-click patent

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss a claim by OpenTV that its one-click technology predates Amazon.com’s by three years.

Napster keeps smashing records

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports that music-swapping site Napster had 6.7 million unique users in August 2000, up from 1.1 million users in February 2000.

CitX forms XcelX division to provide Internet infrastructure appliances

Author: JT Smith

CitX Corporation, a global Internet
technology leader providing secure e-Solutions, Web-based tools,
platforms, services, and trusted digital environments, announces the launch of XcelX, a new division focused on providing turnkey Internet infrastructure appliances, from Internet Wire.

Real-time Linux quick reference guide

Author: JT Smith

LinuxDevices.com presents the “Real-time Linux Quick Reference Guide” which they hope will assist you in locating Linux-based solutions that
match your system requirements.


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Bluestone rolls out Java service

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet News announces, the first version of Bluestone Software Inc.’s Java Transaction Service is now generally available, following
the company’s acquisition of the technology this summer.

EMC chief says storage controls Internet’s future

Author: JT Smith

The amount of data on the Internet will explode in coming years, but inexpensive storage systems soon will be available to handle all of the information, said Mike Ruettgers, chief executive officer of storage vendor EMC Corp. in a keynote speech Wednesday at Oracle Corp.’s Open World, from IDG News Service on IT World.

Microsoft ‘gets it’: Does the Linux community?

Author: JT Smith

LinuxNews commentary on what is going to be the ultimate and supreme challenge to the continued existence and penetration of Open-Source into the world of enterprise computing.


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Open source uncertainty over Microsoft-Corel

Author: JT Smith

Three days after the surprise announcement that Microsoft will acquire a 25 percent stake in erstwhile rival and current Linux vendor Corel, company outsiders are still speculating on what exactly the decision means for the open source community, reports Upside Today.


  • Open Source

Michael Tiemann rebuttal

Author: JT Smith

Red Hat Chief Technical Officer Michael Tiemann drew up his own points for rebuttal to a CNET article quoting him as giving credit to Red Hat for starting the “Open Source revolution”, Linux Today offers an
excerpt of the letter defending his position he sent to media outlets.


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