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Sega wants to silence advice Web sites

Author: JT Smith

Sega of America, saying it has privacy concerns, wants to shut down several Web sites and message boards that discuss the Dreamcast system. Sega has sent cease-and-desist letters to a group of Web sites that provide
news about what the company calls “pirated” Dreamcast games, including release information, reviews, credits and some
instructions, reports CNet.

Opinion: Unix gambit isn’t enough to save Apple

Author: JT Smith

From a ZDNet opinion: “I want to see some dust settle on this before wondering whether
Microsoft wants to use Corel as a beachhead from which to embrace Linux,
attack it, or simply overpower StarOffice. In the meantime, it appears
that I’m not the only one who looks at this deal and recalls a similar
boost that Microsoft gave, to perceived rival Apple, three years


  • Unix

RIAA creating online collective for music royalties

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports that the Recording
Industry Association of America, fighting with Napster over
“unauthorized” downloading of songs on the
Internet, is forming a pool to collect
royalties from Web sites that stream
music online, according to sources.

Secure SHell now in NetBSD mainline

Author: JT Smith

An OpenSSH-based Secure Shell is now available in the main NetBSD sources. It will be
pulled into the netbsd-1-5 branch, so it will be available in NetBSD 1.5, reports BSD Today.


  • Unix

Security update to lpr

Author: JT Smith

LWN.net has the advisory: “lpr has a format string security bug. It also mishandles any extension to
the lpd communication protocol, and assumes that the instructions contained
in the extension are a file it should try to print. It also has a race
condition in the handling of queue interactions that can cause the queue to


  • Linux

Silicon Valley has worker shortage?

Author: JT Smith

ABC News has a picture of Linus Torvalds along with an Associated Press story about the Congressional debate on H1-B visas.

Commentary: Corel deals with devil for new life

Author: JT Smith

From a commentary on 32bitsonline: “Fearing for its own existence, the once mighty Corel Corporation has finally
given in. The former software giant has gone the way of many Microsoft
ex-competitors, deciding that it’s better to strike a deal with the devil than to be


  • Open Source

IBM launches new mainframe

Author: JT Smith

From a ComputerWorld story on IBM’s launch of its first 64-bit mainframe computer: “The new servers also support a feature that allow users to carve out
virtually thousands of ‘virtual servers’ within one physical server, or
partitions within a server.

‘It means I can have gobs of Linux servers running within one partition,’
said Bill O’Donnell, a senior information technology consultant with the
state of Wisconsin in Madison.”


  • Unix

SAP DB Database will be GPLed?

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers discuss a report (in German) from newsticker www.heise.de that
SAP plans the GPL release of SAP DB, a
database based on Software AG’s Adabas.


  • Open Source

Tech glitch brings Napster down

Author: JT Smith

CNN.com reports: “Both the Napster Web site and
its wildly popular song-swapping service
were inaccessible to users for several
hours Wednesday due to a hardware
problem, a company spokeswoman said.

The service went down beginning about 10:30 a.m. EDT. Since Napster is based
in Redwood City, California, the technical staff weren’t in the office because it
was so early there, the spokeswoman said.”