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Parisian company has record high sales; runs on Linux

Author: JT Smith

Netgem offers Internet service similar to American WebTV, and runs on a Linux-based open source platform. From a press release at BusinessWire.

Where are the women?

Author: JT Smith

The IT idustry might be the new economy, but the old problem of discrimination still dogs it, writes Jenny Sinclair of Fairfax IT.


  • Linux

Five spots opening up for Internet’s governing geeks

Author: JT Smith

ICANN makes decisions regarding the introduction of new
top-level domains, and deals with other issues relating to Internet governance. From a report at Wired.com.

Reports on Linux Kongress in Germany

Author: JT Smith

Read this brief report at KDE News to find out what hackers do at hackers’ conferences.


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BeOS and missed opportunities

Author: JT Smith

“I’ve been following the BeOS for about a year; I’m a serious fan and hardcore advocate. I sense an opportunity. I audaciously email Jean-Louis Gassee, CEO of Be, Inc., to take him to task for his “peaceful co-existence” stance on Microsoft. Let’s face it, the minute MS sensed a challenge from Be, Inc. and its incredible OS, it would call out the dogs with a vengeance. Incredibly, JLG responds and is impressed with my reasoning. Emboldened, I email JLG an offer… let me pitch my idea for putting BeOS on the map. Even more incredibly, he AGREES. The following is my proposition to JLG…” Kelly McNeill

iSONEWS.com says Sega is ‘strongarming’ them

Author: JT Smith

A reader submitted these comments and a press release: “As many of you have heard by now, strong-arm
tactics used by Sega’s lawyers have attacked several web sites that disseminate
non-copyrighted information regarding the Dreamcast console and its line of
products and forced these sites to close their doors. Among the harrassed, my
site, iSONEWS.com, received numerous
threatening letters from Sega’s attorneys. Because iSONEWS.com could not afford
to fight Sega in a legal battle, we removed our Dreamcast sections.  After
keeping the sections down for five days, we went balls out and re-opened the
Dreamcast section of our web page (9/27). Thankfully, we have retained legal
counsel, and we are preparing to do battle with Sega.  We are the first
such site to take a stance against Sega – the ball is in their court now. 
If you wish to learn more about iSONEWS’ exchanges with Sega’s attorneys, all of
the email conversations, including our official reply from our attorney, can be
found by clicking here.  We have prepared
the following press release to inform the public of Sega’s activities and
iSONEWS.com’s fight for its right to share information.”

On September 27, 2000, www.iSONEWS.com took a stand for freedom and
defied a cease and desist order from attorneys representing Sega of America
Dreamcast, Inc.  Sega, in its
much-publicized war on piracy, demanded that the staff of iSONEWS permanently
remove all content that discussed or commented on the Dreamcast and its
supported line of products.  
Sega’s attorneys accused iSONEWS of contributory, and later, direct
infringment upon the console maker’s line of Dreamcast products.  Despite requests for elaboration and
attempts at cooperation, the attorneys for Sega responded to the staff of
iSONEWS with only threats and shortened deadlines.  While the staff of iSONEWS supports Sega
in its anti-piracy efforts, the strong-arm tactics of Sega’s attorneys barred
all efforts of the iSONEWS staff in coming to a resolution that was acceptable
to the involved parties.  Sega’s
attorneys refused to provide any examples of copyright infringement found at the
iSONEWS.com website but insisted that unless all Dreamcast content was removed,
Sega would take the two-year-old website to court.

www.iSONEWS.com is a
nonprofit news and information site that reports alleged acts of piracy while
providing the Internet public a forum to discuss matters of copyright
infringement with the benefit of current information.  While www.iSONEWS.com contains subject matter that
relates to software piracy, the website does not directly or contributively
infringe upon the copyright interests of others.  The staff of iSONEWS.com does not endorse software piracy
and enforces policies that prohibit such activities.  Despite not being given any examples of
wrongdoing, financial restraints and deadlines from Sega’s attorneys forced the
iSONEWS staff to yield to Sega’s demands until legal counsel could be retained
to represent the website’s interests in a court of law.

 The battle between iSONEWS.com and Sega has little to
do with the videogame giant protecting its copyright interests.  Instead, this fight is a border dispute
over the boundaries of First Amendment protections for speech and press.  The staff of iSONEWS wishes to defend
not only its ability to share information freely but also to protect the civil
liberties of all users who post and share information on the Internet.

IT workers deserve humane treatment

Author: JT Smith

e-week columnist Cameron Sturdevant laments the loss of the eight-hour work day for modern IT workers.


  • Open Source

Vintage computer festival shows off old stuff

Author: JT Smith

Remember the old Macintosh “portable?” It weighed 25 pounds and cost $10,000. Read about the dinosaurs at SiliconValley.com.


  • Linux

Networks are sucking power lines dry

Author: JT Smith

e-stuff uses a lot of e-lectricity; anywhere from three percent to twenty percent of the nation’s total power generation, according to a report at SiliconValley.com.


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When Johnny can’t get online — tech illiteracy

Author: JT Smith

A Gartner Group study says that 75% of households will have ‘Net access by 2005. Those who don’t risk being labeled illiterate, says this MSNBC report.