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Developer of new Linux distro looking for assistance

Author: JT Smith

Open Paranoia is the name of the project living at Sourceforge.net. The developer writes, “Everyone is asked to provide input. Anyone with spare time is invited (begged!) to join this project. Also needed–a webpage designer for this project. Please write me! Joshua W. Kuebler (Joshua_Kuebler@juno.com) ” Joshua W. Kuebler

Red Hat to employ Novell services

Author: JT Smith

e-Week.com reports that Red Hat will help customers manage Linux systems over the ‘Net with Novell’s help; the announcement came in the midst of rumors about a possible Red Hat takeover of the tech company.


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Napster lawyer: We have a 50-50 chance

Author: JT Smith

This Salon story discusses the prospects for the peer-to-peer troublemaker who’s going to trial today.

Waiting to see how Oracle turns out

Author: JT Smith

There have been missteps, backpedaling, and kinks to work out with Larry Ellison’s company. So buyers are taking a ‘wait and see’ attitude when it comes to implementing the new 11i suite. From a story at ZDNET.


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Weekly news wrapup

Author: JT Smith

By Grant Gross

Managing Editor
Giving some props

Here at NewsForge, we’re constantly amazed about the prolific super-Linux programmer Alan Cox, who seems to release a new test version of the kernel every day, if not more often. His latest, unless that changes by the time I finish this column, is 2.218pre14, only his third release over the weekend. When’s this guy sleep?

Speaking of new releases, Linux Planet started its review of SuSE Linux 7.0 with this tasty nugget: “Red Hat 7.0’s recent release was ransacked by the user community, looking for the next Big Thing. The response has been less than overwhelming thus far. But while all the hoopla about Red Hat was going on here in the States, the latest
release from Deutschland has quietly been causing a stir of its own, first in its home country, and now here.” If Mandrake’s more your flavor, Linux Lookup offered a review of Mandrake 7.2 (beta 2).

No props to closed-sourcers Apple, whose lower-than-expect earnings report this week sent the Nasdaq into a bit of a tailspin. Damn that fruit! But hey, you could be the guy who bought Apple stock on Wednesday. On Friday alone, the computer-maker’s shares dropped by more than half. Apparently those cube things aren’t selling so well.

I want my, I want my MP3

This week, MP3.com asked fans of free music (as in free beer) to flood Congress with email supporting the Music Owners’ Listening Rights Act of 2000. More about the “Million Email March” and the act itself at The Standard.

Everything under the Sun

There was lots of coverage of our friends at Sun Microsystems this week, including the release of its UltraSparc III server, complete with technical glitches during the launch event. Our friends at Linux Today questioned Sun’s commitment to Linux, saying the company’s been “somewhat schizoid” in its Linux pronouncements as of late. Also, ZDNet UK reported that Sun may be ditching Linux on its Cobalt Networks server. Check out NewsForge’s own Jack Bryar’s column on Sun’s relationship with Cobalt after its purchase of the company.

Props to itself

Chip-maker and Linus employer Transmeta ruffled a few feathers this week, when an official with the company said its technology was five years ahead of its competitors’ technologies. Later in the week, Transmeta tried to clear the air: Its lead is in its software emulation technology, only. Intel and AMD suddenly were breathing easier.

New at NewsForge

News editor Tina Gasperson examines one company’s claims that it’s the first to release remote network administration software that gives “complete control” of the Linux console. Others say, no way

Our hardware reviewer Jeff Field asks why hardware is still so difficult to install, especially with all these distributions of Linux having different methods of detecting hardware.

Alan releases 2.2.18pre14

Author: JT Smith

Alan Cox has release 2.2.18pre14 closely on the heels of 2.2.18pre13. “Bug squash number two. This should really fix the which compiler bugs. It should also be close to having everything in the kernel build correctly on x86 again. PCMCIA still uses some very large udelays which need to become mdelay() based instead.” (Thanks to lwn.net)


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Porting MFC code to GTK+

Author: JT Smith

Linux.com has an article by Ryan Gorden (of Loki games fame) on porting Windows MFC apps to the GTK+ library. Slashdot has the
related discussion.


  • Open Source

A Year Ago: ‘Revolutionary’ crypto system unveiled

Author: JT Smith

ZDNet UK has a reposting of the announcement of StegFS, a steganographic file system for Linux. “FS doesn’t just make a file hard to read — it conceals the information’s existence.


  • Linux

October Linux Gazette

Author: JT Smith

Issue #58 of the Linux Gazette is posted and ready for people to read and enjoy.


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Rambus going after AMD & Transmeta

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot has the story on Rambus, Inc, pursuing legal actions relating to its patent on SDRAM ram and DDR-SDRAM. The Register also has a report on the situation.


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