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The Gnutella paradox

Author: JT Smith

Salon.com article asks, “If the decentralized Gnutella can’t handle the legal and technical
threats that come from mass usage, what system can?”


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Jupiter Systems announces Linux support

Author: JT Smith

With expansion capability to 124 screens and support for both live video input and analog RGB input, Linux PR reports, the Jupiter 870 series display wall controller takes the Linux operating system to new heights of visual performance.

Slashdot database compromised

Author: JT Smith

Two crackers from the Netherlands broke in to the Slashdot backend. You could say the popular discussion site got the ‘shaft.’ Read the story, posted by the crackers themselves, at Slashdot.CNet also has a story.


  • Linux

Ex-cracker slams UK cybercrime law

Author: JT Smith

Herbless says that the British
government’s oft-criticised Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
(RIPA) will be completely ineffectual for catching petty criminals
such as Web page defacers and even less useful when it comes to
hunting professional computer criminals. From a report at ZDCOUK.


  • Linux

Don’t deal with the RIAA, they’re a cartel

Author: JT Smith

Broadcast.com founder Mark Cuban lays out the skinny on the licensing deal the RIAA offers webcasters in a story at Wired.com.

Site sells Red Hat 7 on custom CDs

Author: JT Smith

The new release of Red Hat Linux 7 is
now available on a custom CD-ROM through www.linux2order.com. The 2-CD-ROM
package is $12.95, plus shipping.

This week’s announcement has generated intense interest in the product, but
availability has led to delays as many programmers search for the system and
encounter waiting periods while the system downloads. Linux2order has
pre-loaded Red Hat Linux 7 on CD-ROMs and is ready to fulfill orders.

“The current popularity of Red Hat Linux 7 – – and the related frustrations
in locating it online and waiting for downloads – – will allow us to
demonstrate the value linux2order.com brings to the Linux community,” said
Erik Vogel, president and CEO of the Provo, Utah-based company. “We hope
Linux users will take this opportunity to purchase the new Red Hat system,
and then return to our site for other Linux selections.”

Linux2order.com offers more than 5,500 Linux titles, and is on target to
surpass 7,000 by the end of the year, Vogel said.

About Linux2order.com

Linux2order.com offers the largest compilation of Linux software
applications and utilities for the Linux operating system in one central,
online location. For more information, call 801-222-9414, Monday-Friday, 7
a.m. to 6 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) or visit www.Linux2order.com.

Review: High-speed CD-RW drives

Author: JT Smith

PCWorld.com comes through with a review of their picks for the top five CD-RW drives available.


  • Unix

Style-minded Apple customers complaining about cracked cubes

Author: JT Smith

In the midst of earnings woes and huge stock price drops, Apple now has to deal with unhappy customers who say that the plastic casing on their G4 cubes is cracking. From a report at Yahoo!

Two MS board members stepping down

Author: JT Smith

Reuters reports that long time Gates crony and world’s third-richest man Paul Allen is resigning his position on the Microsoft board of directors. So is Richard Hackborn – though he’s not as wealthy.

It’s not tough to add RAM

Author: JT Smith

But just in case you’re unsure about how to increase your system’s memory, PCWorld.com has a tutorial that will take you from start to finish.


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