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MP3.com’s ‘Million Email March’

Author: JT Smith

MP3.com is asking its fans to flood Congress with email supporting a recently filed House bill, the Music Owners’ Listening Rights Act of
2000, by Virginia
Democrat Rick Boucher and three
Republican co-sponsors. The
story is at The Standard.

Napster spurs advertisers to pour money into music sites

Author: JT Smith

CNet is reporting: “Napster may or may not be good for CD sales, but online music sites can thank the
popular file-swapping service for a substantial surge in revenues last month …

Advertising spending at online music sites jumped dramatically in
the week after a federal judge clamped down on the music
company, according to AdRelevance, a division of online traffic
measurement company Media Metrix.”

Linux sneaks onto digital TV at IBC2000

Author: JT Smith

Maximum Linux has a story about Nokia’s Media Terminal. “This sexy bit of kit sits atop your telly, turning it into a
broadband internet appliance. The controller flips open to reveal a small keyboard, enabling you to
browse the Web, send emails or bookmark your favourite channels or pages … Driving the magic is Linux, XFree86 and Mozilla, plus some of Nokia’s own code that controls the
Navigation bar and MP3 player (visualisations).”

VA Linux, Sumitomo create Japanese subsidiary

Author: JT Smith

CNEt has a followup story on VA Linux Systems signing a deal with Sumitomo to create a subsidiary to “help VA establish a toehold
in the notoriously hard-to-enter Japanese market.” (Disclosure: VA Linux owns NewsForge.)


  • Open Source

Running Linux on your old 486

Author: JT Smith

Linux.com has an article about rescuing your old 486 from being a doorstop: “That ‘old’ 486 still has lots of life in it. Making it a useful computer keeps
it out of a landfill. Remember, your computer is filled with lead and
non-biodegradable materials that do nasty things to your local
municipality’s water table. Plus, a 486 is perfect for many Linux
applications that don’t require a graphical environment.”


  • Linux

RIAA mad because Napster beat it to the punch

Author: JT Smith

From a guest column at ZDNet: “In my opinion, the RIAA wanted to create a service that reflects the digital-music download model, but a ‘dumb outsider’ beat them to it. But … Napster will not prevail with their current arguments.”

Transmeta official’s comments spark debate

Author: JT Smith

From an InfoWorld article: “In the wake of comments made Tuesday by Transmeta CEO Dave Ditzel that the ambitious microprocessor start-up is at least five years ahead of well-established competitors Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), a spokesman for Santa Clara, Calif.-based Transmeta clarified that the company’s lead is in its software emulation technology, a method of computing unique to the company’s Crusoe processor.”


  • Unix

The Great Open Source Debate

Author: JT Smith

Upside.com has an article that rips into Open Source stock prices before talking about a debate between Open Source advocates and closed-sourcers at the Embedded Systems Conference West trade show in San Jose,Calif. “The biggest news event was the Great Open Source Debate, during which
two teams squared off to debate the merits of proprietary vs. open source
development in the embedded systems realm.”


  • Migration

New chapter: ‘The Art of Unix Programming’

Author: JT Smith

Eric S. Raymond’s Tuxedo.org has a new chapter of his book, “The Art of Unix Programming.”


  • Unix

3dfx admitted to OpenGL

Author: JT Smith

Slashdot readers talk about a PR Newswire story that 3dfx
has been admitted to the OpenGL Architectural Review Board.


  • Open Source